Chapter Seven

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I had to get out of here. It's been about a week and I have only gone one day with just barely eating Calcia's leftovers once she was done eating.

I was a slave to her, she was forming plans, but she wouldn't let me in on them. She was pretty smart to have been all nice and motherly to me while my father was alive. If she hadn't been, father would have gotten up and left with me. Now she can sell me off as a slave or trade me to the academy for bucket heads, and I had no ability to stop her.

"Alessia come here." she called, her voice was filled with honey, something was up.

I carefully stepped out of my room, held my head down like I had been scolded, and trudged into the kitchen. There, as I glanced upward, stood a tall gotal, stroking his beard.

"Very nice." he grumbled, looking at me intensely.

Calcia bit her lip "She is very obedient." she smiled at me and ushered me over closer. What was she up too?

"How much has she been fed this week?" he lifted up my left arm. I was too weak to pull back, I merely watched him.

"Every day one full meal." LIAR. I yanked out of his grip angrily and avoided her eye contact as I knew she wouldn't want me to spill the blood thirsty truth.

He frowned "She seems a little fragile for that." I could hear Calcia suck in her breath next to me.

"She's been starving herself." she muttered, as if it had been a secret. I looked to the ground and rolled my eyes.

"I see." he stated, circling around me and grunted. "How much for her?" Money?


"500!?" he gaped "For this twig?"

I bit my lip, I was worth so little to these people that they could see me as a worthy slave "She is no such thing!" I glared at her. She was selling me, she wanted way more than I was near worth.

"300." he crossed his arms "Or no deal."

A/N *Please correct me if you believe the price is a wrong estimate, I simply guessed.*


"And you and I both know the only other buyers are the Empire and they don't pay wor-"

"Fine!" she cried, throwing her hands into the air. He smiled and held out his hand, she took it "Deal." he passed over the money, which she eagerly snatched from him.

"Get your belongings girl." his eyes glanced at me as I looked up before instantly looking back to the floor.

"She doesn't have any."

He glared at her "I'm sure she does." the gotal turned back to me "Go."

I obeyed, nodding my head, and quickly went back to my room. I snatched my bag I had used to run off and shoved my clothes in. Then followed the pictures of my family, and the little amounts of jewelry my father had made that were left.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked back into the kitchen. "I expect you to obey me at my every command. If you make a single wrong move you will be punished. Do you understand?"

I nodded, continuing to keep my head low "Yes sir."

He motioned for me to follow him. Wherever we were going at least it was away from Calcia. I glared at her as we left. As my feet stepped outside I glanced back at her with a confused emotion. I loved her like a sister, but she hated me so much.

"Bye Cousin." She sneered and closed the door after us. Bye I mouthed to not only her, but my old home as well.

I followed closely behind this man, of which I had no knowledge of his name. He made swift turns around streets and I didn't once lose him. Sure to keep my eyes to the ground and on his feet at all times.

We approached the local market area. My eyes wandered about now, hoping to find Akanni. We walked up to a fabric stand. "Hello!" A man popped his head up from behind, portraying an all to bright smile. Lying about the stand were fabrics of many brilliant colors.

"I'd like your dullest color."

"Sir?" he seemed insulted, stepping back slightly.

"You heard me."

"I have Brown." he bent down and pulled up a round of heavy Brown leather fabric "Or a dark purple. But I'm afraid that's the darkest I have."

"I'll take the purple." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of credits.

"How much would you like?" He began to unroll it, to show master.

"The whole skeen." the man placed the Brown back behind the stand and rolled the purple up back up.

My eyes scanned the merchants again, hoping to find my fellow jeweler. He seemed to be nowhere in sight, just my luck. I needed him. He had to get me out of here.

The gotal threw the purple fabric at me, which I quickly caught and folded it back up neatly. "You'll need to look presentable." he croaked.

We then walked quickly out of the market and around a few bends until we came to the "richer" part of Lothal. Even though it wasn't much better. There weren't any poor people streaming the streets here, it'd be harder to blend in.

"I assume you know how to sew." I nodded, not bothering to meet his eyes as he walked "Good. You will be making your clothing from now on. The others will help you." Others?

We walked up to a dull gray building. He knocked twice, paused, then three times, paused again, then knocked only once. The door swung open.

"Gautier! My friend!" A Devaronian stood there with open arms, a giant grin on his face. The last time I had been welcomed like that I was beaten later, I winced at the memory, shuddering.

"Hello Bruck." Gautier grumbled, pushing into the building. The muscular Bruck stepped back to make way.

"I have been waiting." he smiled and my 'master' led the way in. "I expect that you have chosen wisely."

"Indeed I have." he took the fabric from me as Bruck shut the door. The fabric was handed to another servant who quickly disappeared into another room.

"She seems a little weakly." he frowned, tilting his head to the side.

"According to her cousin she has been starving herself." I opened my mouth to object but decided against this, I wasn't sure how they would react to me.

"Is this true?" Bruck turned to me.

"I.. uh No, sir." he raised an eyebrow of which had a piercing.

"How so?"

"My cousin has not fed me since I have returned home." My eyes danced to the floor again.

"How much did you pay for her?" Bruck turned to Gautier.

"300 credits. She originally had it at 500, but I assumed something was wrong." he looked me up and down "How long have you been living with your cousin?"

"Seven years sir." I looked back up, so that they knew I could be thorough.

"How long ha-"

"My father died almost a month ago."


Bruck glared at me for a moment, before his face softened "She's perfect."

"May I ask for what exactly?" I looked up at him, tilting my head in curiousity, even though his Satan-like-appearance made me want to shut my mouth.

"In time you will see." he looked to Gautier and they both chuckled. I had a bad feeling about that.


Again a reminder that this content is a fabric of star wars rebels. The types of species belong to Star Wars.

Please correct anything That may be wrong. As I have researched many things, anything could have been flipped or incorrect.

Also please comment anything you liked and what you think should happen.

What do you think is Bruck and Gautier's plan?

Thanks for reading!


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