Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 -

Horray for another Monday morning. Today was the day that I've decided to give up with Tyler. I got dressed as I normally do, and brushed my teeth and what not, but today, I decided to actually brush my hair. It was looking really bad and I didn't want to wear a beanie today so why not? I got on the bus as usual and what not and everything was fine. When I got to school, I got compliments from a little too many people. And only on my hair, I guess it was cool, but I don't do too many compliments. 

I walked into second period and there he was. Passing out papers. Today he wore a muscle tank with messy hair and joggers. I went to my seat and he handed me a paper. When I looked up at him, I saw his shirt was a Regular Show shirt and honestly I love that show. So naturally, I decided to compliment him. "Hey Tyler, I like your shirt." He looked up at me, smiled and said, "Thanks, I like your face." I immediately stopped. Did he just.. That just happened. How was I say post to feel?

I sat down at my seat completely astonished at what he said. I whipped out my phone and texted Chris and Mac to tell them what had just happened. I waited a good three seconds and started smiling like a complete retard. I covered my face and laughed at myself. I'm so stupid honestly.

The rest of class flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch time. Today my mom forgot to pack me lunch so I had to buy lunch in the cafeteria. When the bell rang signaling the end of fourth period, I walked to the cafeteria with this girl named, Alexis that I met. When we walked into the cafeteria, I saw Danny and Tyler with a few other people around them. Danny called me over and I told Alexis to get in line for me. I awkwardly walked over and said "Hi." I was introduced to Danni, Ben and Marissa who were sophomores and juniors. They seemed pretty cool so I loosened up a little bit. 

After a minute or two of all of them talking, Alexis called my name so I walked away quietly. I got my lunch and before walking out of the cafeteria I said bye to all of them. Tyler smiled at me and gosh it was pretty great. The rest of my day was more boring than it normally was because Chris and Mac weren't texting me anymore. I had my mom pick me up from school that day because I didn't want to take the bus home. I could not stop thinking about what Tyler said to me earlier. Did he really mean it?


The next day, when I got to school, I was going to find Alexis who sits with the art kids when Danny and Tyler called me over. They both actually looked happy to see me. Tyler gave me a warm hug followed by Danny's. I decided to sit with them for a few minutes. I could see that something seemed to be wrong with Tyler, but when asked he said he was fine. Danny motioned to me just to not mention it so I stopped. For the maybe five minutes I was with them, every other second Tyler was hugging some other random pretty girl he knew. 

I knew just to give up then because I had no chance whatsoever with him. I got up and left because I just could't take anymore at that point. I went and found Alexis and her friends turned out to be pretty cool and made me laugh a lot.

When second period came around i practically acted like I didn't know them. And the rest of the day went on as it normally does. At lunch, I sat with the art kids and in spanish class, I avoided Danny. Every so often, I'd get the occasional "Hey Tara" from some of Alexis's friends. I felt a little more comfortable at the school now that I had some friends. 


Friday came around pretty quickly and Alexis wasn't there. As i looked for her, I went to the cafeteria and there I found Danni, Marissa, Ben and Tyler all sitting together with two unfamiliar faces. Ben called me over to their table and introduced me to Austin and Winston. They were also juniors and you could tell they were all pretty close. I took a seat because where else could I go. At this point I wondered where Danny was. 

As I sat there next to Tyler, we were all talking and laughing and despite the fact I was next to him, I became comfortable. After a few minutes of being there, Tyler picked up his phone and unlocked it and said, "Haha. When your anniversary date is still your password." At that point, you could visibly see how upset he was and the tension grew with everyone at the table. They all grew sad for him. This clearly means he has a girlfriend or just got out of a really bad relationship. 

The older ones managed to cheer him up before the bell rang and I left and went to class. My chances went from zero to impossible. Naturally, I told Mac and Chris what had happened, but neither of them answered. During second period, I got bored and went to the bathroom. In the bathroom I saw Alexis and she explained she had just gotten to school late. After she was ready to go to class, she told me to meet her in the courtyard at lunch. That was peculiar because we normally meet at the art room, but it's okay.

At lunch, I was surprised to see her there with Tyler. He looked happy, but you could noticeably see he was still upset. Alexis gave me a hug and as they sat, I stood. I didn't say too much because anyone with a brain could tell they were flirting. It was pretty upsetting and I was somewhat in a daze until I noticed he was picking up her hand to kiss it. Inside, I could feel my heart sink. I had no idea what was going on.

Until then, he picked up my hand and slowly kissed it closing his eyes and everything. I could feel the sparks being sent through my body. That's what I call a feeling and i could feel myself blushing maybe a little too hard. I excused myself to the bathroom and washed my face. The minute I got back, the lunch bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Alexis and I walked to class together because it's in the same building. She went on and on about how she liked him, but she had just gotten out of a long relationship so she wasn't going to do anything. But she swore he was going to ask her out and I just nodded my head. She clearly liked him, and she was prettier than me. There was nothing I could do about it. I was extremely disappointed, but hey, I'll live.

I told Mackenzie what happened and she invited me over to spent the night and I did. It's disappointing to even hear something like that. Oh well. 


(A/N) Well this isn't the lowest point in the story, but Tara get's happier, I promise. By the way, this is a true story, the names are changed and I speed it up a little bit. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. My best friend is nagging me to post this so I have to now and I'm hungry so I'll go now. Please remember to like it and comment and share with your friends. Thanks guys =-)

xoxo ClosedWindow

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