Baking Day

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While getting used to the Proxy group and mansion, you decide to make a cake for the group, especially Toby. While making the cake batter, Toby watches you from across the kitchen. "I know you're looking at me, Toby." You exclaim while mixing the ingredients. Toby jumps back from the sudden comment. "I just smelt s-something sweet, that's a-all."

You loved it when he stuttered, and it kind of made you have a light pink tint on your cheeks.Toby saw this then walked up and stood behind you. Without noticing, he wrapped his hands onto yours and helped you mix the batter. You didn't know why he was doing it, but you shrugged it off.

"Is it r-ready to g-go into the oven y-yet, (Y-Y/N)" Toby says, looking into your eyes.

"Yup, and it has to be in the oven for about 40 minutes."

Toby groans in defeat. (Guessing he really wanted some cake at that point.)

While it was in the oven, you and Toby sat on the couch watching horror movies while eating a tub of (Favorite Ice Cream). Finally after it was cooled and iced, the cake sort of looked like a living blob.

"Did you put something in this  cake,Tobi?"

"A-A-A Child's H-Heart..... I g-got it earlier and I d-didn't want to p-put it to w-waste."

After he said that, Jaja ran in smelling the cake and shoves it into her mouth, not even chewing.

"Thanks guys!" She says, kissing both of your cheeks then running out.

"This was the weirdest day of my life.... but not the last." You say to yourself.

And you was right.

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