14- Brooks Birthday

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She woke up in her own bed in the morning, which was surprising as she recalled the events of last night. She stretched and smiled while she yawned. She couldn't be bothered to brush her hair when she got out of bed, so she walked out of her bedroom with a wild mane.

"Sweetie, you're going to hurt yourself making them like that. That is not how you make pancakes!" She heard her mother shout at her father.

"I'm 1507 years old. I know how to make pancakes, River!" She giggled and watched them argue and try to make pancakes for her birthday.

"OUCH!" The Doctor pouted and sucked his finger.

"Told you," River said in a sing song voice. Brook chuckled from the doorway and they both shot around in alert.

"Oh! Happy birthday, Sweetie! I love you so muucchhh!" River prolonged as she hugged Brook. Who would've thought a psychopath like River could be such a motherly woman.

"Motherr," she laughed, "I love you too."

"Happy birthday," the Doctor whispered in her ear and joined the hug.

"Am I smelling pancakes?" Brook murmured into the Doctors chest. River and the Doctor chuckled and pulled apart.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, "just for you!... And me... And your mum... But mainly for you!" He quickly placed a few pancakes on all of there plates and the sat around a small circle table.

"So," he began, "fourteen... I swear a couple of weeks ago you were only a few days old," he joked with a mouth full of food.

They were all scoffing down their pancakes and in pure bliss with the taste of them. The Doctor had finished his pancakes and just watched them two scoff their faces whiles he smiled.

"You look exactly like your mother," he whispered, barely audible. He didn't even realise he said that out load until they both stopped eating and looked at him. River smirked at the blush that rose up his neck to his cheeks.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"That's very sweet of you to say that, darling," River replied. But it's so true, she looks the spitting image of River, and to be honest, he's jealous. Jealous that the only thing Brook inherits from him is his emerald eyes. 

"Stare at me for a second longer, and I'll remove your eyes," Brook said without looking at him. River snorted and started laughing at the content of her sentence. That also scared him. How much alike they are.

"I'm finished!" She smiled cutely and stood up from her chair and they all began walking to the console room. "Where are we going today? Shall we go to that planet that rains strawberries? Or shall we go back in time to see young Leonardo Dicaprio and Johnny Depp? Well, we don't really need to go back in time because they're both still perfectly gorgeous now and-"

"Sweetie," River sighed, "I know this may sound harsh but we told you yesterday after that idiotic little plan of yours that you're banned from any adventures for a little while."

"How long is a little while in the Tardis, mum? It could be years without me even knowing!" Brook whined.

"Brook, please-"

"It's in my blood to time travel," she began, "daddyyy, you know that," she turned and pouted at her father, who tried not to look in her eyes. River leaned over to give the Doctor a firm look.

"Well-" he started.

"Yes! Thankyou daddy! I love you!" Brook ran and hugged her dad and ran around the console.

"Doctor!" River sighed.

"What? I didn't say anything!" He put his hands up in surrender.

"Can we go to that science museum we talked about for ages, dad?"

"No! If you're going anywhere, we're going to that archeology conference I need to go to. You need to learn about archeology," River lectured. The Doctor and Brook shared a look which said 'how boring' and they both sniggered.

"Fine! But I'm not promising that I won't cause any trouble."

"Good, else it would be boring," River smirked.

"River, dear, why can't we go to the museum?" He asked quietly and nicely in hope that she wouldn't turn around and slap him.

"She needs to learn about archeology and this is the perfect time, sweetie!"

He just sighed and enthusiastically flipped switched in a sarcastic way. "Brook, can you fetch me my diary please?" She asked. Brook nodded and went to find it.

She returned slowly into the console room reading the diary and sat in the comfy chair.

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