Chapter 14

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It felt strange going back to school on the Monday, the memories from Friday night were still whirling through my mind, and Rick was still thinking about that college course that he was offered, I was going to be rather disappointed if he didn't take this opportunity.

"Have you had a chance to think about this course then?" I asked as we walked into registration.

"Yeah, I am starting to think that I'd like to go for it."

"Then go for it."

When Suzanne walked into the room, she looked at Rick and winked.

"You were brilliant on Friday night Rick." She said, smiling.

"Hannah was better than me."


Meh? Was that all I got for my performance? To get second place it's definitely more than a meh. I was going to settle this feud between me and Suzanne someway or another and it was going to be today.

I thought and thought throughout the day and I couldn't think of anything that I could say that would make Suzanne back off, everything that I've said already hasn't worked and I've already used up my most offensive things.

After a frustrating Maths, Science, History, PE and ICT, we were finally going home, and I still hadn't confronted Suzanne...until we were walking out of school, she came storming over to us and forced herself between me and Rick.

"You know that you weren't that good right?" she said, crossing her arms.

"Not that good? For second place, I'd say that we were pretty good."

Suzanne just scoffed. "They just gave you second place because you're in care and you're a couple, you just got a sympathy vote."

My jaw dropped. "Well you didn't even get past the auditions."

"They thought that a talent like mine would make everyone else feel inadequate." She said, flicking her hair behind her.

I could help but laugh. "Inadequate? Wow, that's such a big word, clever girl."

Suzanne scowled at me, but I could hear Rick sniggering.

"I bet you that there's nothing that you can do better than me." I said.

"Okay, you're on! I challenge you to a dance off, here, Friday afternoon after school."

"Fine, and when I win, which I will, you have to leave me and Rick alone for the rest of our school years."

"And when I win, which I will, then I get to date Rick."

"Yeah, until he dumps you, which we both know will only take a matter of minutes."

"No, until I break up with him...and we both know that that is never going to happen."

I looked at Rick, he was shaking his head, his eyes wide.

"You're on!"

"Great. Chose your song."

"Swagger Jagger by Cher Loyd."


With a final swish of her hair, she walked off with her friends close behind her. When I looked back at Rick he was still shaking his head.

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