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Funny is the fact he said he wanted to be a good person...
Funny is the fact he never was and never will be one...

Funny is the fact that he said he didn't want anyone or anything in his life..
Funny is the fact that he can't live without his friends or his personal objects...

Funny is the fact he thought that she could never get over him...
Even funnier is the fact that she feels free and happier than ever without his judgmental behavior...

Another funny fact is that he said he didn't want to be like his father...
But the thing is, he's exactly like him..

Funny is the fact of all is that he didn't even have the balls to tell her he left her for another girl, and that she didn't even give a fuck because she has a better man now...

The funniest fact of all she never was or will be jealous, and she will never cry for him..
Funny fact is that he still gets jealous even though he doesn't know her anymore


To all my dear readers out there, I love you all, or hate you if you want me to, whatever you may choose, hope you enjoyed and live a happy or miserable life.

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