Coil, Dan and Yellow

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Deep inside the mountains, Coil was meditating with Dan. The whole place around them was completely dark. Perfect for no distractions. Coil had been meditating for 7 hours so far. He wanted to try and control Yellow. Dan was sitting next to him with his eyes closed, legs crossed and completely motionless. Coil did the same as well. Suddenly, Coil had a headache and put his hand on his head cringing.

"Coil! Focus! Pain is just a game that will stop you from gaining anything!" Said Dan.

"Y-yes sensei..." Replied Coil as he focused.

He closed his eyes and relaxed while also trying to focus. He then heard a voice.

Stop trying!
You won't win!"

"You know, you don't have to talk like that" said Coil in his own thoughts.

"It's just for a dramatic affect ok!? Anyways, like I said, you can't win" replied Yellow.

"Listen, I want you to help us. Please! If they destroy this world then you will die!" Said Coil in his own thoughts again.

"I can't die! God won't let me!" He said.

Coil tried to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah... Whatever. Death can happen to anyone no matter what. It took me a long time to realise that... After... C-catty..." He said in his thoughts.

"Coil. I am sensing a sadness in you. Are you ok?" Said Dan.

"Oh uh... I-I'm fine" replied Coil.

"Then keep meditating!" Shouted Dan.

"How much longer must we do this sensei?" Said Coil.

"Until I feel that you have controlled yourself" replied Dan.

"Uh... Then why are you meditating?" Said Coil.

Dan groaned in annoyance.


Coil didn't respond. He just sat there thinking to himself.

"Man that was cold" said Yellow.

"Leave me alone. I'm trying to imagine me and Luna together" said Coil in his thoughts.

Yellow laughed.

"Love is but a gross illusion made by sad and lonely people that they think will make them happy" said Yellow.

Coil tried to ignore him.

"Your precious Luna is just like any other girl you find! They eat, they sleep, they breath, they live and they die!" Said Yellow.

"YOUR'E WRONG!!!" Shouted Coil out loud as his flames lit up the room.

Dan slowly looked at him with a death stare like an animal about to hunt its prey.

"Uh oh! Someone's in trouble!" Said Yellow as he laughed.

"Coil..." Said Dan as he got up.

He pressed the palm of his hand on Coil's forehead. Coil thought he was going to die. Sweat was dripping from his head. Dan stared at him before unleashing a powerful energy wave in him. Dan then fell over on the floor completely motionless.

"So... Where are you Yellow?" Said Dan.

He had entered his mind!

"Ha ha! You can't find me!" Said Yellow.

Coil moaned.

"Great... Now I'm stressed out" said Coil.

"Yellow... All you want to do is destroy. But once you do, what will happen then? You will have nothing and no one" said Dan.

Yellow fell silent. Dan continued talking.

"Maybe all you want, is to be alive again. Maybe you're just jealous that everyone else is alive and in a body they can control with great friends, a family and the whole world to explore. Well... What if... If you help us, maybe we could give you your life back and you can enjoy everything that you wanted so badly" said Dan.

Yellow stayed completely silent. The whole room was so quiet. Not a single sound was heard. Until Yellow spoke.

"Yes... I want it. I'm just jealous that everyone else gets to enjoy their life's and rub it in my face. Please give me my life back... Please..." He said.

Yellow started sobbing. Coil couldn't believe it. Dan then left Coil's body and returned to his. He got up and looked at Coil.

"That's enough training for today. Tomorrow, we will work on your speed and stamina" said Dan.

Coil looked at Dan.

".....Yes... Sensei..."

No longer in Control. Luna and Coil's legacy part 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now