Caution sign

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Milan Pov.

So it's Sebastian's birthday and he was still sleep so I wanted to wake him up with his presents. I went to my closet and got them out and started jumping on the bed.


Sebastian~ thnxs bae but go to sleep how are you happy in the morning.

Me~Cause it's my babies birthday. Oh look he just texted me.

Sebastian got up so quick and looked at my phone.

Sebastian~who is he and I don't see a text

Me~I was just Playin I wanted to wake you up.

Him~Well you did a good job.

Me~I got you somethings.


Me~Yeah now open it

I put them all In a huge box so he opened the box and i was dead he was almost crying.


ME~ Ik baby ilyt

He finished and put his phone case on and was wearing his damn Daniel's. (White vans).

After I got in the shower and washed my hair so it would be curly and he did the same thing. (Not together 😂😂). We were going to eat breakfast At ihop. Oh did I tell you I got us matching shirts. They said 2-17-2k16. Milan&Sebastion 💍👑❤️🔐
Together forever. That's what it said on the back and there was a lil pocket in the front that had our date on it with emojis and on the rest of the front of mine it said Sebastian's . And his said Milan's

We were lit when we were walking I took a video of him


I posted it on my social medias and tagged him.

"Baes bday today,DAMN DANIEL"

Sebastian~I hope you didn't post that I wasn't even ready  

Me~you were cute don't trip bae.

We went into ihop and ordered some pancakes eggs bacon with no grits or sausage 😂😂.

I was on my phone until I heard some hilarious stuff come from Sebastian and the waitress mouth bro hilarious

Waitress~Hey cutie can I take your order.

Sebastian~Bae she's talking to you.

Her~No I was talking to you

Him~No you weren't cause my names not cutie it's Sebastian and I'm here with my wife. And  can't you see our shirts I don't think she would like you calling me "cutie".  Look at our phone cases. Acknowledge the shirts. These look like she put some goddamn thought into them. Obviously she got these shirts and the cases made as a caution sign to ppl or should I say thots like you. Who's your manager. I think we need a new waitress. You need to be fi-

Bro Sebastian had me weak bro had me falling out laughing.

Me~bae it's okay and everything you said is true. But it's okay she can take our order.
The girl was walkin away before I yelled something.

Me~Oh yeah thnxs ik he's cute that's one reason why I'm with him. 😂

Him~Bae I think she needs to be fired talking to me like that.

Me~it's okay. You had me dead "this is a caution sign" bae your cute.

Sebastian~naw I don't play that not when it comes to you. And she did it right in front of you. She had me F.U.

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