Chapter 23

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I met this woman at the bar today, she is a councillor and told me she is having a meeting in the hotel lounge and told me to go along.

She introduced herself as Doctor Karen Williams, she specialises in self harm and mental health.

Karen obviously noticed my scars and thinks she can help, I'm not going.

After about 3 hours in the sun with Luke, he turned to me and tried to convince me to go to the meeting.

"Come on Katie, just go?" He moaned.

"Why should I? I'm better?"

He looked at me as if to say 'I know you're not'.

"Ugh fine" I stood up firmly and tried to walk off.

Luke pulled me back onto his sun lounger and kissed me passionately before smiling at me.

"I know you're better baby, but I think it would be good to go and see what she has to say?"

"Okay, I will" I sighed.

"I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too babe"

I stood up and walked towards the lounge of the hotel. I reached the door of the room and spotted a girl standing outside of it.

She looked scared, to be honest I was scared.

I walked over to the girl, I introduced myself to her and she told me her name was Lauren and she was also going to the meeting.

We spoke for about 10 minutes before we decided to go into the room.

"Can you hold my hand?" I asked shyly.

Instead of responding Lauren grabbed my hand and we walked into the room.

There was more people there than I expected.

We sat down on the chairs shaped in a circle and waited for Dr. Karen to say something.

"Hi guys, you all know why you're here and you all know why everyone else is here. We all know the main reason why you're here but we are going to speak about it in more detail, and with confidence because anything you say in here will stay in here okay?" She said nicely.

Everyone in the circle nodded and we started talking. I honestly didn't know there was this many people who feel the same way I do.

Through the whole meeting I learnt a lot about everyone.

I've also leant that I'm not the only one who has ever felt alone or depressed or suicidal.

We were all taking it in turns to speak, and finally it was my turn.


"Katie?" Karen said, knocking me out of my thought.

"Oh urm yeah?"

"Tell us about yourself, and why you're here?"

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

"Okay, urm hi I'm Katie"

The group all smiled at me, even though I didn't know anyone here I felt like we all knew each other.

"I don't know what to say?" I said to Karen.

"Just tell us everything?"

"I-I can't" I said standing up, trying to leave the room.

I noticed Luke at the door, he walked over and sat down on my seat and pulled me onto his knee.

he kissed the scars on my skin {janoskians fanfic}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora