World War Z: The girl behind the bags

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Right as the man was going to put the bag it slipped. And a loud *thud* was heard immediately did the zombies turn around to stare at what it was. The man who had accidentally dropped it froze. The people behind the bags didn't know what to do either and just when the zombies were going to attack–

(Okay, I couldn't actually write how the bells sounded so but imagine it sounds like those in the beginning of the song Jia Ren Qu (Beauty song)–House of Flying Daggers.)

When the third had sounded a white light that was brighter than the sun but not hurtful for the eyes. It shone for five seconds until the light disappeared along with everything on the other side of the bags.

The zombies were gone.

Confused people looked to see what just had happened. 

Gerry who thought it was safe slowly took down the bags. When he entered the other part of the plane his eyes met with a young girl's. The other people who still was confused and scared did not dare to move.

The girl was sitting down reading a book.

– Who are you? Gerry asked. 
– I am Storyworld, it's an alias but I prefer people to call me that, she answered calmly not looking at him.

Just as he was going to ask something else an old man bowed in front of her saying something in a language nobody had ever heard before. She put the book on her lap writing something on the old man's fore-head. He bowed gratefully before going back to his seat with a smile. 

People who felt more calmer but confused started to enter to see who it was the man had bowed to.

– Who are you? Gerry asked.
The girl only smiled.
– You ask to much questions, Gerry? But I'll answer one of your questions. Choose wisely.
He looked at her dumbfoundedly but thought for awhile. 
– How do we stop this apocalypse? he asked awhile later.
– I believe you already figured out the answer yourself otherwise God wouldn't choose you.
– God? What does he got to do with that.
– You've got so many questions. Well, the heavens predicted/seen/experienced a long time ago that this was going to happen, it has happened and will happen. The world was supposed to end. But God is merciful and sowed the seed of destiny a long time ago in order to give the humans a second chance to prove themselves.
– Why me? 
– Yes, why you? Because you're fit for the job? Because you are a good person? The answer is simply because you crossed this path. Other people has also crossed this path. You're just one of them. But you have something they don't. A mission to fulfill. And this mission, this path will decide the life you and your family, and the rest of the world will have.
Gerry thought for awhile again.

While those two had talked more and more people began to enter to see. The man who had accidentally dropped the bag before came back after having checked the other parts to see if it was clear.
– Where are they? he asked the girl.

– In a place where they don't feel any pain. But I think it's enough of questions now. How about some food? 

She clapped her hands one time. When the people turned their eyes to their seats they were surprised to see delicious food that fit them in more ways than one. Gasps and awes where heard everywhere. Gerry saw the food too and when he looked back to the seat the girl had sat on just a second before was now gone.

Slowly people returned to their seats and started to eat. Even those who only had the floor as a seating place had food. When Gerry returned to his seat he got surprised when he saw Segen. She wasn't bald anymore but had long wavy dark hair.
– What? Segen looked at him with a spoon on her left hand. 
– Your hair, it's beautiful...
She touched her hair to feel the short and pointy hair straws but instead she could feel something soft and looked and the long hair she had. Immediately she grabbed her hair with both of her hands–
– Your hand! Gerry gasped.
She gasped too as she slowly looked at the hand that should have been cut off.

– It's a miracle, she said happily with tears of joy.

And they wondered how that could have happened but Gerry thought about that girl. He walked towards the old man that had spoken to the girl before.
– Do you know who the girl was? he asked the man.
People started to curiously looked at them eavesdropping a bit.
– Yes, she's a writer and my creator, he simply said.

The people who had a heard time believing what he said stopped listening and returned to whatever they were doing.

But Gerry thought about it and let the words slowly sink in...

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