Ruin the airline

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All the passengers were waiting for the plane to start flying. This airline had a very bad reputation and the number of complaints were a lot more than other companies. Yet why had he chosen this one? It was just his bad luck that he had been the one they had chosen. He tried to argue that he was a doctor and had patients to see so he couldn't get off the plane. They started to grab him and tried to force him out of his seat when suddenly a woman who looked like a business woman showed up. She was clearly a first seat passenger.

- What the hell are you doing? she called out to them as she grabbed the security guard's hands.

- We've got orders to make passengers voluntarily leave their seats for the employees. The compensation is 400$, he tried to push her away.

- So why are you forcing him? Clearly this isn't looking very voluntarily to me, she said. Have you tried asking someone else if they want to voluntarily leave their seat?

- We have and they all three have left without no fight.

- Because they chose to take the compensation. And that doesn't really answer the question. This man clearly has to go home very quickly why don't you choose to ask someone else or pick someone else that doesn't have the need to get home so quickly? Also this man is not causing any problems if there is someone who is than it is you three. Shame on you. I get that you are working for that fucking insensitive CEO who can probably make up an excuse that this is legally right. But man, what happened to morals? Besides this is fraud if you think about it carefully. Selling seats to other people that clearly doesn't exist. It's fucking fraud.

People started to whistle and compliment her. People who was watching the woman over snapchat and facebook live were all giving her hearts, likes and smiles.

- Sorry, maam, but we need to ask you to not interfere with our work.

- Of course... not. When I see a civil person being treated like he's a danger to the other passengers I cannot simply turn a blind eye to injustice. US sucks when it comes to their business and for you three to not embarrass yourselves and this airline further I will voluntarily give up my seat to this fucking employee who obviously seem more important than this airline's customers, she hande them her flight ticket. Geez, I guess I shouldn't have taken this flight after all.

She then turned towards the asian man and smiled as she got a phone call from her private pilot who told her that her private plane had been completely loaded with fuel and ready to go made her veins one her head appear. She complained that even loading her whole plane with fuel took faster than boarding a United Airline plane. Even though it was clear that her plane had started being refueled half the time she had sat on this plane waiting for it to start flying.

Once again she turned to the asian man and smiled gently.

- Sir, may your flight be peaceful. And I can assure you that if you don't want to take this flight anymore I can get my subordinates to fix you on my private airplane for free. Anyone else who feels the same like me and him. Who feels that this disgusting behavior of United Airlines is not worth your time to spend with their shitty airplane service you also are free to board my airplane.

In the end the asian man decided to go with her as well as some of the other passengers did. Almost everyone of the first class seats followed her and the majority of the other passengers did so too. Others who stayed thought that it would take longer for them to fly now and also because they had already payed to fly this plane. In the end it was their loss.

People all over the internet saw the interior of the private plane inside and saw that it had a lot of space for the passengers despite the furniture. There was a bar on the airplane the service was equal to everyone, the food not only looked delicious and expensive but was gold for the passengers. The stewards and stewardess were all very professional and treated the passengers according to their needs. Also because this plane was modified to be able to use internet and normal sell-phones they had wifi and everything you could hope for. This was practically the dream plane for everyone and everyone looked at the happy passengers in envy.

People on the internet asked who the woman that had helped the asian man was. Of course in the end it turned out that she was one of the most hidden, youngest and wealthy billionaire in the world. She owned stocks in every small or big successful companies. She donated to help the ones who needed help. She was an honest business woman with a strong leadership. And she was only sixteen even though she looked so mature.

She appeared on the news after a few days when a journalist finally got to interview her. In the interview she said something like this:

- The laws for airline businesses needs to change otherwise incidents like these will still happen. And this is not usual for businesses to do. To abuse the law for their own gains is nothing new. But I think that if America wants to be the greatest country they need to look at themselves and especially at their laws and think: who does this benefit? Everyone or just the minority of the people? As for myself even though I am a business person and wealthy and do love money I think that because I have such a power doesn't mean I can simply abuse it without causing harm to myself. Because if I cause harm to another being I in return will be harmed as a form of bad karma. And my goal is to live happily with a peaceful life. I don't know what the CEO of that airline thinks but I guess since he's a business person - just the bad kind of sort - he might need to think carefully of what he does. This might affect his career in the future after all when it comes to airlines. Also speaking of airplane I myself is not very fond of it. But since airplanes are the only ways to get to places quickly I need it.

- Miss, I have heard that you are investing in teleportation since 2005, the reporter began. And this year your investment have finally showed successfulness.

- Yes, and in fact we're opening a teleportation travel business as an alternative to flying an airplane. Teleportation is much more healthier for the environment than flying and it also is quicker too.

A few days after the interview United Airlines went bankrupt. People stopped coming to them despite their low price on tickets and went to other airlines. For the more richer people they could take the teleportation alternative. It was a new thing and also highly sought after and that's why the price to take this alternative had to risen. Also in case of terrorists trying to use this new teleportation device they were automatically teleported to a jail as the teleportations system was ruled by a bigger "computer". And this computer was controlled by professional people.

But enough about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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