Come back to me

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M: *sit at the bottom of the stairs and cries
P:*hears crying and goes to the bottom of the stairs* Maddie what's wrong
M: *doesn't say anything just cries *
R : Maddie come here baby
M : No *runs in the kitchen to Shelby and Beth *
R : *comes down stairs and sees Puck and froze *
P: Hi
R: What are you doing here
P: I'm here to spend time with Beth
R: Oh
P: is she mine
R: what
P: Is Maddie mine
R: yes she your
P: why did you tell me
R: I was scared so I left Lima an didn't tell anyone but Kurt And Shelby so I moved here and raised her for 6 years by myself and I told her that you i died and I showed her pictures of you and when she saw you today with Beth she thought that we replaced her by me tell her that you were not died and every night and day I cried and because she would of went to school and all of her friends would laugh at her and make fun of hear for not having two parent like the rest of her friends had and would she would come home cry because people would tell that you didn't care for her .
P: *didn't know what to said because he was so mad , sad at his self*
R: * walk to her room an didn't come out for nothing*

To be continued.........

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