Chapter 1

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A/N ok i put Sabrina's new song up there so you can listen to this beautiful masterpiece while you read😉 anyway... I have read loads of stories similar to this one but they all seem to be lucaya based, so i decided to write a riarkle based version. They are all 18 except riley who is 17. ENJOY!❤️

I tugged Maya down the hallway to health class, with Lucas and Farkle following close behind...

"I can't believe you're making me do this riles" maya was not happy that i made her sign up for 'the family project' in health class
"Come on Maya it'll be fun!" I said
"Thats what you always say"
"But this time i mean it!"

In health class
We walked in and took our normal seats, the classroom filled up quickly. Then the teacher started talking...
"Right everyone, my name is Miss jury! you all signed up for the family project! Its a great thing to be a part of! I'll pair you up and whoever you get put with will be your 'spouse' for the project then we can get started!"
I was so excited to start because i had never done anything like this before but i had always wanted to take this class.
"Riles are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Theres no turning back now Maya!" Said Lucas from behind
"Shut up huckleberry" she replied
"Right kids, your pairs are:
Emma and James
Katie and Daniel
Lauren and Harry
Maya and Lucas
Hannah and Rory..."
"Well Maya i guess its just you and me" said lucas
"Yeah...  Ranger Rick"
I knew Maya was excited cause she has always had a crush on Lucas, she didn't tell me until last year because she thought i would be hurt. It was hard to get used to at first but after a while it was fine because i had another crush...
"And the last pair: Riley and Farkle!"
Maya glanced at me and i froze...
For the last year and a bit i had developed feelings for Farkle Minkus...
And now he was my fake spouse.

The family project (Riarkle)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang