Chapter 5

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Farkle POV
I noticed that Riley had fallen asleep on my so i took her to our room and laid her down. Then i finished the movie and went to sleep.
In the morning i woke up to the smell of burnt eggs and bacon flooding my nostrils, so i went to the kitchen to check it out.

"Good morning Farkle!" Riley called out and hugged me as i walked in the room
"Watcha cooking?" I asked
"More like what am i trying to cook..." Said Riley as she looked into the frying pan with despair.
"Maybe we should just have cereal?" I suggested

Riley seemed to like that idea because as soon as i mentioned cereal she started scraping the black eggs into the bin and filling the washing up bowl with hot water.

"Farkle?" Said a voice from behind me and I immediately knew who it was
"Yes ben?" I said as i turned to face him.
"Will you take me to my soccer practice later?" He asked
"Sure!" I said and picked him up.
At breakfast we all had cereal and toast due to Riley's lack of cooking skills.
I could have tried to help but i'm terrible at cooking as well!

A/N Sorry short chapter! I will post a long chapter next i just haven't had any time to update recently ILYASM❤️

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