9. Łėt Mę Whīšpęr Ïñ Ÿøûr Ēår

626 25 1

© Copyright 2015-2016 by Jocylin Anthony. All rights reserved.

Sabrina POV

Feverish brown eyes entrap mine. The longing I've had for my mate makes itself known.

I immediately engulf him in my arms and inhale his scent. I feel his deep hypnotic chuckle vibrate through my body and I step back, a little embarrassed.

However, my mate wasn't having any of that, he immediately stepped forward and enclosed me in his arms.

"My Sabrina, oh how I've missed you!" Dominik whispers in my ear. My body vibrates and I arch my back at the tingles his voice causes.

I have to shake my head to clear it a little and finally a bit of sense comes back to me. This bastard didn't really miss me! If so, I would've felt it.

With extreme difficulty, I manage to push him away to give myself a bit of space to think and to be angry at him. As soon as I leave his arms, Dominik lets out a low whine.

"Dominik, you didn't miss me, I would have felt it." I manage to squeeze out before Dominik embraces me in his arms again.

Dominik nuzzles into my neck and exhales a sigh filled with satisfaction. "No, I truly did miss you Brina. With every waking moment, I longed for you. It got so bad, I literally had to stay shifted to fight my instincts to find you and finish our mating."

When Dominik mentions finishing out mating, heat flares up like an inferno inside my core.

I lick my lips, watching in satisfaction as Dominik tracks the movement. I look up into Dominik's feverish brown eyes and then I nuzzle his neck once more before placing a teasing kiss against my mark I placed upon him.

Instinctively, his grip on my tightens and a sigh of pleasure escapes him. "Mm Sabrina, you wish to torture me with your teasing?"

I smile before pulling back. "Dominik, I am not pleased with your recent actions at all...you don't want me to be... dissatisfied...do you?"

Instantly, Dominik's entire demeanor changes. His features turn cold and cautious.

"What kind of question is that?", Dominik hisses softly.

I gently caress the right side of his face. "Tsk, tsk. Simply answer the question. You don't want me to be dissatisfied....do you Dominik?"

I hear his teeth grind together and the fierceness in his eyes increase. "Of course not! Why would you even think that I wanted that?!"

My smile widens and I step closer to him, wrapping his tense arms around my waist and snuggling into his broad chest.

"Hmm, I like that response...but," I say while pulling away from Dominik once more.

My mates eyes turn into hard slits and he all but growls, "But what?!"

I grab Dominik left hand and place it on my face. His hand just so happens to be big enough to hide my shit-eating grin. "But, we both know those are just words... I need proof Dom."

I drop Dominik's hand and toss my hair over my shoulder. "I need proof. Show me just how much you missed me. Otherwise....well, you get the point."

I watch in pure satisfaction as my mates face turns a bit red at my statement. It makes me happy to know that I can get him all riled up.

Dom opens his mouth to reply but I hold up a hand to stop him. "Like I said, words don't mean shit. Tell me with your body. Your body won't try to lie or hide things from me."

Just to make him angry again, I begin walking away, towards the elevator of the hotel.

Dominik takes a hand and runs it through his hair exasperatedly. "You're a real piece of work, you know that?"

I throw back my head and laugh. "Oh my poor, poor mate. You have no idea. This is just the beginning boo."



Author's Note

Yes guess, I'm just as disappointed as you are. I fully intended for this chapter to be over 1200 words and I barely got half of that😔

I'm sorrrryyyy. I haven't really had time to do anything with prom literally right around the corner.

I'll try to make it up to y'all okay?

I love yallllllll.

Oh yeah the song in media box is "Wait" aka "Whisper Song" by the Ying Yang Twins

Go ahead on and listen to that song if you haven't already. (If you haven't heard that before, you must not be about that life).

Y'all have a blessed dayyyyyyy!


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