Unstoppable storm

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The electric buzz amplified as it advanced towards the Red Ruby. The captain stubbornly kept on going. He was going to face the force of nature head on. The celestial grey guns kept firing countless bullets downwards, puncturing innumerable holes in the vast body of water. The impenetrable, impassable and impregnable wall of concrete was ever-approaching.

Luminous cracks streaked the wall as blinding lightening flashed furiously. The indestructible downpour swallowed the ship whole. The water pellets rained on the Red Ruby ceaselessly. Booms, bangs and blasts of thunder screamed at the wounded vessel.

Colossal waves smashed the starboard side, denting its structure. The Red Ruby was flung violently into monstrous waves and battered by the combined forces of wind and water.

"Abandon ship!" cried the captain, completely drenched and struggling at the wheel. The few members of the crew that were on board dived off their beloved Red Ruby.

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