Most Wanted

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I woke up on the floor of a moving vehicle. Everything was still blurry to me because I'm pretty sure they drugged me. I saw two people sitting in the front of the vehicle. From how big and spacious the back of it where I'm at I  think it's a van. I tried to stand up but my legs are weak. So I started to crawl towards the front. Then one of the people turned around and talked to the driver. The driver stop the van and turned around. "" I asked groggily. The passenger and driver got out and went to the back and opened the doors. They told me to get out and I did. One of them held me up and it felt like female hands. My vision started to clear up and I could see them a little better. "Where's Dwayne?" I asked. They both looked at each other nervously. "Crap." A female voice said nervously. "What are we going to do?" Asked the female voice worriedly. "We can't bring her back. She's with them. If we bring her back she could tell them then they would come and kill us." Said a male voice. "What will we do if they find out we took her and they come hunting down for us? What will we do then?" Asked the female voice. "Don't worry they won't. It would take them forever. Besides, she's with one of the most dangerous vampire groups in all the country. We could use her." Said the male voice. My vision started coming back and I could see them perfectly clear, and I couldn't believe who I saw. The people who kidnapped me were the two most wanted vampires in the country. They were wanted for kidnapping vampires who don't belong to a certain group and make them one of their own. They want to become the most dangerous vampires in the world. There names are Stella and Xander. But one thing confused me, why did they take me? I belonged to a group already. What do they want to do with me?

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