-Chapter 2-

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-Chapter 2-

   The outdoors were beautiful! I loved nature and everything it had to offer. I took my camera and ran outside. I saw this butterfly. It was beautiful! The butterfly was unique and absolutley stunning. From a mile away you could see the blues and purples on this butterfly. It was laying on a sunflower. It reminded me of my life. My life was different and it was too. The blues reminded me of all the sad times. But the purples reminded me of the fun things left behind that made me who I am, like photography and Kimmi. Kimmi and I havent talked ever since she confessed her feelings for James. I miss her but, its awkward. She tries to talk to me but, I can't. I just don't know anymore.

   The insect was still peacefully laying on the flower. I slowly went up to it with my camera and BAM! Someone snuck up behind me and scared the butterfly away! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I said not knowing who was behind me. "Umm, What's your problem?" TYE WAS BEHIND ME! Tye was the hottest guy in school. He's the quarter-back on the football team. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is so handsome. "I'm sorry, I was just taking a picture of a butterfly. You scared me." I laughed nervously. "Well, Do you live here? Cuz, I'm moving in next door." He pointed at his new house. "Yeah, I do. Well, I'm gonna go inside. Bye!" He waved and walked away. I ran inside the house thinking about how awkward I was. Am I really that awkward? Ugh, sometimes I just hate mysellf. What if he never wants to talk to me again? I can't believe he's my neighbor! All I can even think about is how he is my neighbor, why he is my neighbor, and what am I gonna do with him always there. But most of all I am thinking I hope we get closer!


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