-Chapter 4-

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-Chapter 4-

I went inside and James said that I had a phone call. I walked to the phone and took it from my brothers hand. "Hello?" I said wondering who it was. "It's me, Kimmi." I was kind of nervous. I didn't know what to say. "Hey, are you there?" She asked. "I'm here." I laughed nervously. "Why won't you talk to me anymore? I feel like you're avoiding me." she said. You could tell she was sad. "I just don't know what to say. I'm not trying to avoid you though." I said even though I was trying to avoid her. "Let's just start over, Jen! I really miss us hanging out everyday and us sneaking off to take some epic pictures." she laughed. I laughed with her because even though me finding out was difficult it would have been more difficult for her to keep it in. "It's okay." I told her. I asked her if she wanted to come over and she agreed to. Not even a million dollars could have made me this happy.

I waited about an hour for Kimmi

to come here. We have missed out on so much. She doesn't even know that Tye lives next door yet. Finally, Kimmi arrived at my house. We ran up to each other and hugged. Even though we haven't talked for a few weeks, it feels like it's been a lifetime. We ran into my house like how we used to and went straight into my room. "I'm glad to be back!" Kimmi said. "Me too!" I answered.

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