Chapter seven

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Caine's pov

I can't believe she thought I didn't want her. How could I not want her? Her old pack is stupid for doing such a thing to her.  It's their fault she's there. On the way back Bella kept talking about how scary that place and the patients were. 

I honestly don't know why she even wanted to come you could tell from the beginning Vanity doesn't like her. Not that I don't blame her. Our relationship isn't typical brother and sister. We actually hate each other. Everyday I ask the moon goddess for Bella's mate to be from a different pack. Or hope she has a mate. She's human because our mom was human and dad was a were. But why do I hate my sister you may ask. Let me explain.

We used to be close. But two years ago we drifted apart. I started focusing on my alpha duties while she focused on fucking everything that walks. I just assumed she was being a teen and having fun. One day I go a call saying she was insane at a party and needed to be taken home but she was drunk and couldn't drive. When I got there I was told she was alone in a room being secluded. I go up to the room and she's naked fucking a guy. But that wasn't it. While she was fucking him she had a knife digging in his chest. He was a sixteen year old human. As you imagine he didn't survive. 

When the body was found I made Bella come to his funeral. We stood in the back. I found out the night of the incident Bella wasn't drunk. She faked it. And it wasn't the first time she did it. Apparently she liked doing that. I had the pack doctor run some tests and she wasn't insane. Just disgusting. She said it was fun and she wouldn't stop. I had her put in cells. I couldn't send her to a mental hospital. She had been tested. She can't leave the pack house un supervised now. She found Vanity when she tried to escape. 

I hate her for liking that. I hate her for doing it. 

When we got back she went straight to talking to her slutty friends.

All I want is Vanity back. 

Vanity's pov two weeks later.

I can't believe how much this place helped me. I learned how to deal with myself harm. Confidence and more. Today Caine was coming to get me. I was excited. In the hours he came we grew closer. He never missed a day and stayed the whole time he could. 

Crystal knocked on the door. "Vanity it's time." she said. I smiled and followed her out to the waiting room. When I got out there I saw Caine waiting. When he saw me his whole face lit up. He hugged me tightly and then signed some papers and we left.  

I'll admit I'll miss this place. I'm not completely fixed. Not broken. But bent. We got in the car in the most comfortable silence. He didn't start the car instead he kissed me. I kissed him back and he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him in. 

Somewhere along that he moved his arm causing him to honk the horn. We pulled apart and I was laughing. "I missed you so much." he said and I smiled. "No one ever said that to me before." I said blushing. He smiled.  "That better change. " He said.

I felt more comfortable around him now. In the brief hours we had we got to know each other. He told me what Bella did. I knew they're was something wrong with her. I was totally ok with her being human but something about her was off. In a different way. 

We drove until we got to the pack house but something happened. Bella was missing. 

Bella's pov

I looked around. Last I remembered was me escaping and coming across a vampire. Then I remembered. I was a vampires mate. Well shit. They kidnapped me too. 

My vampire mate was the leader of his coven. And I'm his human mate sister of an alpha. 

What could go wrong?

A/N The song is broken by seether featuring Amy Lee from evanescence  Also I've been sorta sick if you want to know go to chapter 16 in my other book and read the authors note. If you want a laugh read the second paragraph. Also I apologize for the violence  I needed a reason for her to be hated and I combined slut, killer, and rapist and that's what I got

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