Very shy (Randy Cunningham)

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(Your POV)
I was walking to class keeping my head down making sure no one acknowledged me, I'm pretty shy and don't have a lot of friends. Luckily no one has noticed me for almost 2 weeks, I'll tell ya 9th grade is a nightmare if you're like me. I reached my first class which is science, I took a seat in the back by the window and saw 2 boys sit near me, one had purple hair and the other one had orange hair. I didn't know their names because I'm antisocial and never really listen in class. The one with purple hair looked at me and blushed, I looked away quickly as my face was heating up. He was kinda cute to be honest but, as I was going to look at him again Mrs.Driscoll told us to take our seats. "Ok class today we will be working with partners", everyone started looking to their best friends when she interrupted them, "And I will be picking partners" everyone groaned. I started to panic internally, 'I can't do this I'm way to shy not to mention extremely bad with talking to people...!', Mrs.Driscoll started calling out partners. 2 minutes passed then I heard my name and some boy's name then I realized it was the guy with the purple hair! I started to blush not just because he was cute but because I'm scared. "Ok class I want you to get in your partnerships and start working" our teacher told us, He started walking towards me and I looked away as fast as I could. 'What do I do, what do I do?! Act cool don't say anything dumb just play along, you got this (y/n).....'. Just then he came and sat next to me, "Hey Im Randy!", "H-hi...n-n-nice to meet you" I stuttered. He didn't seem to notice my shyness and just kept talking to me, it was nice since he was the one doing most of the talking.
(Time skip to end of class)
"Th-thanks for helping me Randy I-I really appreciate it" "No problem I'll see you around" Just then he winked at me, it sent a heat wave to my face and I stood there like an idiot while he walked away. I'm sure I have a crush now, I never thought this would ever happen to me.....

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