A Regular Day For Me

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I wake up at 6:30, I have to get up before the bus arrives for school. I take a shower every other day before school. I get dressed, brush my teeth, gather my things for school, and say bye to my family. I go to the bus stop and sit there wondering if life can get better. I tell myself I am Macy, young, independent, and I'm strong. I get on the bus, as I walk down the bus people call me names. "Slut" "Whore" "Kill yourself". I keep repeating the words in my head. "Strong, independent, young". I sit down next to the window by myself. People throw trash at me, while I try to not cry, or hurt someone. Then I arrive at the worst place of all, school. When I enter I'm always late so I go to the office. I ask for a pass then go to class it's Wensday so my first period is science. I get in there and see all the people I hate, except for Skylar, and brian. I sit at the table across from them, we are bored so I start playing around with them. I start to pinch them and they try not to squeal, it's funny. Then finally Brian squeals and we try to blame it on the other table. Then after an hour and a half, the period ends. While I'm walking to my next class, people bump into me, hit me, trip me. I feel like no one loves me and cares for me at that point. Then I get to my other class late. After having to pick up all of my books over, and over again. I get in trouble, then sit down. People start to whisper to me, whore, slut, kill yourself. I try to hide my face so no one can see the tears go down my eyes. "Macy put your books down". I try to put my head down, but he yells at me about that, and everyone sees I'm crying. I ask if I can use the restroom he says yes, and I run to the restroom to start to break down. I sit there repeating the words in my head, but this time there not the good words. Slut, whore, kill yourself. I stand there hoping no one comes in. Then the cool girls come in. I start to walk pass them, but they push me back. "Well, well what do we have here" says one of them. They both look like the type of girls that would cause trouble. The one on the right is dressed from head to toe, in pink. She has like ten colors in her hair. She has makeup on. I'm not lying when I say, she looks like a 12 year old prostitute. The one on the left is in black. She has black hair with blue streaks in them. She is wearing black makeup, and she wears alot on her eyes. They both laugh evilly. "I think we have ourselves an ugly man, in the girls restroom" says the one on the left. "Well that's not good, what are we going to do about that". Says the right one. The left emo one says, that she should teach me a lesson. I try to run out, but the end one trips me. Then pulls me up. Then pinky punches me in the stomach and I fall. They repeat that process like 5 times then leave. I stand up and pull up my shirt. I see a big bruise on my stomach. I throw up, I think I threw up blood??? I get back to class and get in trouble, because I took to long. I can't tell anyone because they will think I'm a snitch. But I can't do anything or I'll get ganged up on. I go through the day, with the same things over again happening. This is just a normal day to me, but a hurtful day. Then when I'm done with the day I get on the bus while people trip me. Then I sit and people throw trash at me again. When I get home I sit in bed till dinner, thinking about how good life could be for me. Then I eat and sleep about how life could be better. And then the day repeats itself again and again.

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