What Do I Have To Live For

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I wake up and feel my dog licking my feet. I get up and get dressed, eat breakfast and wait for the bus to come. I get on the bus and people shout nasty things at me. I hear one guy say,

"What a loser, why is she here.... like on Earth, what does she have to live for." I break down crying silently.

What do I have to live for?

I get off the bus and wipe my tear stained face away. People bump into me off the bus. I walk toward the door after everyone else goes in. Then go to the special needs class. They think just because of my slight anger issue I need help. Great job america.

When I get in I put my stuff down and walk to my first period class. Great just what I need... math. I walk through the crowd of people but, all of a sudden this kid pushes me. I look up and see Jeremiah.

"Go away Jeremiah," I plead, but get kick to the side again.

No one is noticing anything. He just keeps staring at me. WHY WON'T ANYONE NOTICE!!!!!!! I start to get up but am pushed to the ground again. What should I do, he can only do this for so long. Should I wait or should I do something now.

"Now you idiot, now" a little voice in my head said.

I start to scream, "HELP, SOMEONE HELP!!!!!"

Jeremiah runs away along with a few other kids. A teacher comes over to me. Great Mr. David. Like I need to hear from him..

"Are you OK, what happened." He says and I just scoff and roll my eyes.

"I am fine, just thought someone tripped me on purpose. Sorry for the false alarm." I say and he starts screaming at me.

"Next time don't scream bloody murder if you are faking!!!!" He yells, then goes back to his class room.

Well thanks for the advise Mr. Davis. Still don't know how he used to be a kindergarten teacher.

The bell rings, great now I am late for another class. When I get in people notice I had tears coming out of my eyes.

"Macy you OK? How about you get yourself cleaned up, come back in like 10 minutes." She says and writes me a pass.

I walk out and look at the pass, it says to counselors office. Hell, I am not going anywhere near there. I already get bullied, getting bullied is one thing, but being snitch in this school is another thing. Snitch on the wrong person, say bye to high school.

I go into the bathroom and look at my side. It is bruising over, great another bruise to hide from my mom. Then I hear someone coming in. I would know that blue raspberry scent from anywhere. HUH its Bella and Anna. The 12 year old prostitute and her emo side kick.

I quickly hide in the stall and climb up on the seat. I hear her come in. She looks around and then sighs.

"Anna I thought you said she was going to the bathroom?" She says upset.

"I thought she was, wait a sec the teacher must have given her a note to the counselors." She says and start to walk away.

I step down and give a loud sigh. I unlock the door, then step out. I look at myself and start to self shame myself.

"Look at you, 13 and having to hide from the 'popular girls', people should be hiding from you." I think then look at the counter next to me. Its blue raspberry chap stick. Then I here someone walking in.

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