The Shadow's Sacrifice

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Hey peoples. this is my first Wattpad story so don't be assholes okay?

Love you all!


(that's a game symbol XP)


The shadows darkened around me. She licked her lips in anticipation. She could smell him, such exotic spices. She felt me screaming at her to stop before it was too late. Begging her to let me regain control over us. She was too gone far to pay me any mind.

She felt his presence come closer, making our mouth water with the imagining of his taste. He would be delicious, better than anything else we’ve tasted.

Another voice joined me in my pleas, my barely heard pleas. The voice helped me try to reason with her, make her see that this was wrong. For a split second she became undecided; for a split second she lost sight of what she wanted. And during that split second I made her realize what was going to happen if she went on with her plan. What she would lose if she attacked now.

She made her choice.

She allowed me to push her back, letting me take control again. She knew it wasn’t her time yet.

I will be waiting, she whispered as we traded places.

I opened my eyes and smiled at the face that haunted my dreams. I traced the contours of his face with my eyes, just before I felt an exhausted sleep pull at me. I struggled against it. No, I said to it. Just a little longer. Let me hear what he’s saying. Please.

Rest, crooned the predator inside me. You will see him again. He is yours.

Yes, I agreed. He is, isn’t he? And with that thought in mind, I allowed myself to become unconscious.

~ ~ ~

“Can I eat my fries in peace today, Jasper?” I asked my best friend-slash-eternal tormentor when I sat down outside.

He pretended to think about it for a moment, the wind blowing his long, red, and curly hair across his face and covering his eyes, he pushed it out of the way and grinned down at me. “Nope. Not a chance, Salima. It is my job in life to make sure you never eat in peace. Never, ever,” he told me, throwing himself on the grass next to me and hitting his head on a rock. “Ow!”

I snorted, eating my greasy, salt coated fries. “That’s called karma, Jazz Band.” I leaned against the weeping willow trunk, watching the drama going on around me.

My name is Shadow Sacrafice. That’s just my first name, I have four middle names and two last names. And, yes, they all start with ‘S’. Salima just so happens to be one of my many middle names, which Jasper somehow found out and now uses that instead of my actual first name.

“You bitch!”

I snapped out of my inner thinking and turn to see the preppiest girls in school about to get into another fight. It’s like this at least once a week, sometimes more. There are two sides of the school. The Moon side and the Sun side. The Moon side has the vampires, werewolves, predatory shape-shifters, etc. The Sun side has the fairies, harmless shape-shifters, angels, etc. However, the drama here is no different than the drama that humans have at their high schools… I take that back. It’s much bloodier.

“What’s all the drama now?” Jasper whispered, scooting toward me. Jasper was a Moon, him being a vampire and all.

“Sunny’s boyfriend Brad cheated on her with Maria. Oh dear, those are killing aura’s they’re giving off,” I said, with no real concern. “Also, Ginny with a ‘G’ was sleeping with Travis and found out that Mimi and Jenny with a ‘J’ were sleeping with him too. Terri found snakes in her bed this morning and is blaming Carry. Beth has decided that she hates Katrina because Katrina put bugs in her bed.”

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