The Shadow's Sacrifice

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Prince Zeclikalel, we were unable to locate a grove,” announced Coven, as he and two other Guards settled on the sand in front of us, their wings making puffs of dust. They looked apprehensive about not having found a grove and I wonder why.

“Why is everyone so obsessed with these damn groves?” I demanded. “It’s not like one of you doesn’t have protective magic.” I took in the way everyone avoided my gaze and groaned. “None of you have protective magic?”

“No, ma’am,” answered the youngest Guard Jeremiah. “We were chosen for our offensive magic.”

I swore under my breath. I could keep a barrier up all night, but for a group of ten I would be drained magically the next one and a half days while I recovered. I rubbed my face with my hand and sighed heavily. I sat down and leaned against Travis’ legs. I decided that, no matter how funny his real name was, it was too bloody long to say all the time. “How far apart do you guys sleep?”

Everyone but Derek looked at me funny. “Ma’am we usually sleep about five yards apart,” said Comet, recovering first.

“Well, that’s just too bloody bad. Y’all are sleeping at the most two feet from each other,” I told them, closing my eyes and locating my magic, ignoring their complaints. “I can’t keep up a field as big as you would need for that much space. So you all have to sleep two feet apart, understand me?”

“Can you keep a barrier going all night?” questioned Travis, sitting down next to me.

Instead of answering, I leaned against him, eyes still shut, and heard everyone settle around me. I remained sitting when Travis laid down next to me. I took several deep breaths and slowed my heart to a once a minute beat. I then entered a state of suspension as a blockade was formed around us. I was in the center of the half dome of magic, the spells streaming out of me.

Something slammed against the shield, causing everyone to jump up in fighting stances. There were multiple attacks on the shield as something tried to get through. It let out a howl and I realized it was a Beast. Derek had not allowed me to conceal him within the dome and now I knew why. It was the thirteenth of October. The night where a Beast loses all control over it’s animal side and is truly a beast.

This happened on the thirteenth of every month and lasted until dawn. Beasts would gather together and attack anyone wandering in their territory at that time.

It suddenly hit me and my magic wavered for a moment as I had two heartbeats in succession. I regained control of myself quickly, strengthening the spells to the point where a Magician couldn’t break through. I was a half-Beast so my day of no-control is on the twenty-second of every month. At school they would lock me in a windowless room, whose door would mold into the wall when it was closed. Sometimes they gave me a criminal that was going to be killed for company. I would always be aware of what I did when I was in that state, but unable to stop it.

My heart rate slowed to one beat every three minutes. I channeled more magic into the barrier, making it impenetrable. I felt my body fall backward and someone caught me. I recognized the arms as Travis’ and felt safe; he sat behind me, holding me up as my body continued to weaken.

Shadow, allow me to help. You will be too vulnerable otherwise, said Sacred. Already you need someone to hold you upright.

No. I will be fine, Sacred. I need to get used to this. I just haven’t done this in a long time, I replied. I needed to do this. To prove to everyone that I can be useful. That I can do what others can’t.

I don’t remember when the sun came up. I just heard Travis say, “You can stop now, Shadow Sacrafice.” And I allowed my heart to beat regularly. My body was limp as Travis picked me up, all I could do was turn my head into the crook of his neck where it fit comfortably.

“How did she manage that?” asked Gabaladon. “There were more than fifty Beasts, including Derek.”

“Don’t know. Don’t care. We aren’t going to talk about it when anybody besides the people here are within hearing distance? That is an order,” commanded Travis.

“Yes, Your Highness Zeclikalel,” chorused the Guards.

“Travis?” I murmured against his neck. “Will you protect me while I regain my strength?”

I felt him kiss my head. “With my life, Shadow Sacrafice.”

“That’s the second time you’ve ever called me by my name,” I said, smiling lightly.

I couldn’t be sure, but I thought he whispered, “I should do it more often, shouldn’t I?” However, I was already mostly unconscious, so I figured I imagined it.

~ ~ ~

The first thing She saw was a strong tanned neck that looked absolutely delicious. She ran her tongue up the side, making the Demon shudder. This Demon was not the one with her Chain, so it would be all right. She began nipping his neck lightly, trying to find the softest place. There. Just under his strong jaw, She tested it twice more, before sinking her teeth in.

The Demon bellowed and attempted to throw her off of him, but She clung on with her now clawed hands. She heard commotion around her, but was lost in the taste of his skin. He was hitting her and others attempted to pull her off, but She paid it no mind, he would soon be dead anyways.

Let go! I shouted, struggling to pull her back. Let him go!

She snarled at me. No. I want him.

Something yanked on the Chain, breaking her concentration. I surged forward, regaining control, and flung myself away from Jeremiah. I curled into a ball, sobbing as I did. I lay myself on the sand, wishing it would swallow me up so I wouldn’t hurt anyone. She fought me for control and we gave wild shrieking noises, clawing at our throat as I wanted to die and She wanted to feast.

I realized that it must be nearing the night of the twenty-sixth, that I had been asleep for almost two weeks, otherwise She wouldn’t have so much power. “Get in the grove!” I shouted, fighting for control. “GET IN!”

We felt them gather in the sacred spot and I sighed in relief while She snarled in rage. We felt Travis’ horror and disgust at what we were becoming, but he would have found out sooner or later. Our back arched and we screamed in pain as our bones snapped and reformed. Our hair grew longer, falling on either side like a curtain, our claws dug into the sand as our body engulfed in spasms and twisting unnaturally.

With a few final shudders, it was over, the pain leached away bit by bit and She reclaimed control. I was forced to sit back and watch as She stood and began circling the grove. She smiled at the Demons, willing them to come out.

“Come have some fun with me, handsome,” She purred, crooking a finger at Coven. I prayed that he would not come out and to my immense relief he stayed put. She snarled and threw herself against the barrier of the wall, screeching when it burned her as She was thrown back.

“Shadow? What are you doing?” asked Travis, standing up and coming to the edge of the grove.

No! Get back! I shouted silently. But She just grinned.

“Shadow is no longer in control. I am Sacred, the other person inside her,” She said. “I have full command over our body on the twenty-sixth night of every month. She knows everything that goes on, but can not stop it.” She smirked at Travis. “You should be grateful for that Chain, boy. It is what will keep you alive the times I am not locked up.” Travis eyed us warily and She laughed. “You can not command me, boy. You can only command Shadow, for it is her you are bound to. After a time you might be able to make me do little things, but do not expect that for a while.”

“Why do you take control of her?” asked Travis, but She was done talking.

“I am off to find some victims. I will bring our body back before dawn,” She told them, turning and walking away. But She stopped and rotated back toward them. “Do not be afraid or disgusted by Shadow. She can not stop me on the twenty-sixth night. Every other time she can regain control over me if I get too close to the surface. But she did not want this. She never wanted any of you to be afraid of her; she did not want to become the Sacrifice of Shadows.” And with those words, She took us far away, somewhere we would find men to charm with our beauty.

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