Chapter 3

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Carters POV
I looked at Aria who had the same confused expression on her face. This kid didn't look or smell right. He was pale, and had straight white teeth. He was tall and his eyes were dark. I suddenly grew protective as he looked at Aria and smiled. On instinct I grabbed her to sit on my lap. She squealed a little before obeying. "Mr. Shield! No PDA during class!!" Ms. Leah shouted. I just gave her a smile as Aria stiffened a bit. "But our new friend here needs a seat. " I protested. She thought for a minute before letting it go, "okay , but no distractions." She said. The kid sat down next to me and Aria. He seemed a bit ashy. Not liking this. Aria was looking up at the board intensely while I just waited for class to end. I heard a sound seconds later. It was the sound signaling someone needed me from the pack. I gave Aria a kiss on the neck and she squirmed. I smiled. "Wanna ditch?" I asked knowing she would deny. "No!" She whisper shouted. I laughed.
I got up and walked out of the classroom, the teacher not noticing and me not caring. I didn't feel right leaving Aria alone with the new kid so I rushed to our meet up spot behind the school. I ran and arrived seconds later. "What?" I asked JJ seriously. "It's Cloe." JJ said. Cloe was my baby cousin but her brother was a vampire. All if us despised him because he betrayed us to go live with his 'kind' we hated vampires ever since. Cloe moved out from the corner slowly covering her mouth with her long black sweater sleeves. "I- I saw him." She whispered. Cloe was shy except when she didn't want to be but she could sure as hell kick ass, she had taken dance since she was able to turn human so she is very good with certain complex jobs. "Saw who?" I asked as the others gathered around us.
"Adam." She said . Adam was her bastard of a vampire brother who we haven't seen since they were just turning human seven years ago. I was about to say something until I sensed a werewolf approaching. "What happened!" Jason, Cleo's mate shouted. Cleo ran to him and they hugged tightly. He grabbed her cheeks and looked her straight in the eye. "You saw him." He said containing his breath. He pulled her into a hug once again tightly and kissed her forehead. I immediately thought about Aria until I realized I left her with an unfamiliar person. "Where did you see him?" I asked seriously. "H-he goes here now, he's new." She said . Then it all came rushing back to me. The new kid was Adam. How could I be so blind .
I looked at the others and they knew exactly what I was thinking .
"Luna." They said and we started to run to her leaving Cleo and Jason alone. As we arrived I looked in the classroom and saw Adam sitting next to Aria doing a worksheet and putting his arm behind her chair. There was no way to describe the anger that I had and I could tell that Gabe and JJ felt the same. I barged into the classroom with the boys following. I walked over to them and picked Adam up by his shirt with two fists and pulling him so we were face to face. It was him, he always had golden flecks in his brown eyes, the one werewolf trait he had. " Carter!" Aria and the teacher shouted. He smiled before talking." Long time no speak cousin." He said. I scoffed and fisted his shirt harder if that's even possible . "You are not my cousin and you will never be. " I growled and threw him back so he fell over the desk and on to the floor. The teacher told me to get out with Gabe , JJ , Alicia and Aria . Aria pulled me out of the room angrily but confused. She pulled me to the water fountain and stopped there and crossed her  arms in front of her. " What was that." She said calmly but I could tell she was fumed. "Nothing, just old family business I had to take care of. " I said internally gagging at the thought of Adam being mentioned as 'family'. "Hey, it's okay. If it was family business I understand." She said while giving me a hug, I heard an awe from Alicia from the corner and a high five from the guys. I gave her a kiss on the head before we headed to the office and away from everyone. I saw Cloe and Jason sitting on the bench outside and told the others to go, except for Aria who stayed outside the office . I stepped in the office for no reason because the principal was my uncle and also a werewolf alpha for his own pack. "Hey Uncle Frey." I said . He sighed heavily before handing me a suspension slip. "I know he's back, don't worry about it and try to keep your temper, I'm starting to get annoyed of your daily visits." He said . I saluted him goodbye and stepped out and handed Aria my slip. She smiled. "K, let's ditch." She said. I smiled and she replied, though she liked some of school she was still a Badgirl, badass, smart , beautiful girl . She was my Luna . My one and only.

Sooooooo, what do u think?
Shoutout to @katlyn_love
Bc she's super nice and Cleo is based on her. Let me know if you'd like to be in this book or any of my others.... Stay beautiful and smart Angels!


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