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"Perrie would you be a dear and fetch me my hat please?" Mrs. Pinnock asked the blonde girl standing in front of her.

Perrie nodded and took off returning a few moments later baring a large flowered hat. The slender women took it smiling down at her.

"Mom! Hurry up!" A voice called from inside the carriage which was parked in front of the large palace.

"Coming Leigh-Anne." The women called. She leaned forward towards Perrie so that the flowers on her hat were very close to touching the girl's hair.

"She's still mad at me about the dress". Mrs. Pinnock whispered as she gave Perrie a look and then promptly turned and climbed in the carriage.


Perrie was now alone. Again. The dress Mrs. Pinnock had been referring to was the dress that Leigh-Anne, her daughter, was planning on wearing to the masquerade ball hosted by the Pinnocks. They had invited another family, the Thirlwalls, who had a daughter named Jade. Because both families were very rich and had had an alliance for many years they had arranged that Jade and Leigh-Anne should be married. So of course they had to plan out everything. And Leigh-Anne had chosen a beautiful blue dress to wear but Mrs. Pinnock had changed it to a very unattractive shade of grey. Even though Perrie thought Leigh-Anne looked good in everything she was still sour about it. So now they were off to buy shoes and figure out what Leigh-Anne was going to do with her hair.

While they were gone Perrie had to wash the dishes, prepare the afternoon tea and water the flowers. So needless to say she shouldn't have been standing there daydreaming.

She set off deciding to tackle the kitchen first.


Finally, Perrie was done and she was about to collapse onto her bed when she heard the carriage pulling up to the palace. Perrie ran to the door expecting a smiling Leigh-Anne but instead found a boy with a beard, fluffy hair and a dog in hand.

"Liam!" Perrie cried out surprised. Liam had a very tragic backstory with involved both of his parents scarifying their lives to the King (Leigh-Anne's father) so they passed away when Liam was at a very young age. Because of the bravery his parents showed the Pinnocks had to take him in and now Liam and Leigh-Anne were practically siblings.

"Hi, sorry if I startled you I knew you were expecting Leigh-Anne." he smiled and Perrie swore she saw him wink. Was she being too obvious? She had only had a crush on Leigh-Anne for about 6 months now. And she hardly ever showed any signs of endearment, right?

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Perrie went over to open it, it couldn't be Leigh-Anne since she never rang the bell.

A man stood here with a large rectangle and looked to be struggling under the weight of it.

"Oh yes sorry just bring it in here." Perrie giggled as the man practically dropped the package on the ground.

After the man left Perrie managed to unwrap it. It was another painting. The Thirlwalls and the Pinnocks has been sending each other portraits of Leigh-Anne and Jade since the marriage had first been announced. This would be the last painting they received before the ball. There was an easel in the living room that held the last Jade portrait so Perrie's job was to move it into storage and replace it with the new one.

Liam's head popped into the room, "Hey you need some help there?"

"Yes oh my gosh Liam you're a life saver." Perrie said as he helped her move down the old portrait. They then took a side each and lifted the new painting up. They both stepped back and took a look at it. Perrie had to admit it was a really nice painting, Jade looked beautiful in a silver dress. Her hair, makeup, posture, everything was so perfect about her. Perrie sighed, no wonder Leigh-Anne liked her, she looked like perfection.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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