Chapter 6- Run For Your Life

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Here's another update, hope you enjoy!!

Btw, all chapters will be In Grayson's POV, unless CLEARLY stated otherwise! Just wanted to make sure that was clear, so there wasn't any confusion. xx

~Please excuse any and all mistakes.~


I jerked awake, sitting bolt upright in my bed. Panting slightly, I looked around, letting out a breath of relief when I realized it was just another nightmare. My body was coated in sweat, my damp hair sticking to my forehead.

Taking a gulp of air, I slumped back down against the pillow, throwing an arm over my face. Groaning slightly I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from thinking about the nightmare.

When are they going to stop?

Haven't I been through enough? I didn't need to be reminded of it every night, when I live it during the day. They're going to drive me mad.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 6:00 am. So much for sleeping in.

I sighed exiting my room, and crossing the hall to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I turned the water on, waiting for it to get hot. Stripping out of my pajama shorts and boxers I hopped into the water, letting it wash away the sticky and salty sweat that coated my body.

I stood there for a while just letting the water run over me, washing away the aftermath of the nightmare, relaxing as it swirled down the drain, disappearing from my concious. I closed my eyes letting my head hang, my chin resting against my chest.

When the water got to cold to bare I turned the faucet off, and hopped out. Grabbing my towel, I wrapped it around my waist, and walked into the hall. In my room I quickly changed into a pair of gray basketball shorts, and a black t-shirt, before quietly heading downstairs.

I was just about to head out, when I heard a voice.

"Cherry is that you?" Uncle Henry asked, rounding the corner, a surprised look crossing his face when he registered that it was me. "Grayson what're you doing awake?" He asked looking down at his watch. He had a briefcase in his hand, and he was wearing a nicely pressed suit. He was obviously on his way to work, being a lawyer and all has him working long hours.

"Couldn't sleep." I responded shortly, eager to get out of the house.

"Where you going?" Uncle Henry asked, trying to keep the suspicion out of his voice. He epically failed. How is he a lawyer, when even I can tell he's talking BS?

"Figured I'd go out for a jog." I answered honestly, shrugging my shoulders. Uncle Henry gave me a shocked look, before clearing his throat. It's the first time I've been on a morning jog since her death; I actually kind of missed it.

"Yeah, of course don't let me stop you!" He exclaimed, chuckling nervously, while shooing me out of the house. Now that he knew what I was doing, he was eager to get me out.

I jogged down the steps, and started running at a slow pace. I didn't want to tire myself out to fast.

I pumped my arms and legs, my steps falling into a steady rhythm. It's weird really, when you don't realize how much you actually miss something, until you start doing it again.

I kept my breathing under control, as I passed house after house, street after street, block after block. I didn't stop, and I didn't want too either. It wasn't until after the first two miles I was starting to feel the effects of not running for the last month.

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