Chapter 13- The Fighter

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I'd honestly just like to apologize beforehand for this chapter. Prepare for the angst, because I felt it just writing the stupid thing. However, I've come to realize it's actually kind of fun to write angst chapters (;

Btw the song for this chapter literally brings me to tears everytime I listen to it. It's so amazing.

Anyways, here's another update, enjoy. xx


Chapter 12- The Fighter

I stared at the younger girl curiously. She seemed a bit skittish of Ava, and I. Which was perfectly understandable, she seems to have been through a lot in her short lifetime. I wasn't expecting her to openly befriend us right away. We'd have to convince her that we're worthy of her trust.

Aunt Cherry and Uncle Henry had gone to their room a couple minutes ago to discuss the new...situation. Obviously Uncle Henry wasn't all that happy about Aunt Cherry not consulting him on the matter of bringing a foster child into their home, but I'd doubt he'd make her kick Riley out. Aunt Cherry practically won all their arguments, despite him being a lawyer, and this one wasn't going to be any different. Especially since she felt so strongly about Riley.

"So, how old are you?" Ava asked curiously, a kind smile gracing her lips. Despite all of Ava's flaws, and occasionally rude outbursts about popularity, deep down she was kind person. There was absolutely no way she would make this girl feel unwelcome or unwanted.

"Fourteen." Riley replied quietly, picking at her shredded black skinny jeans. I took the opportunity to study the girl; down from her unlaced black combat boots, all the way to her stick strait multicolored hair. She had pale skin, and slanted eyes, that gave her an Asian look. She was awfully skinny, it didn't look like she gets much to eat.

"Are you hungry?" I asked suddenly. Her gaze swept over to me slightly alarmed, before she averted her eyes. She quickly shook her head refusing to look at me. I bite my lip wondering what I did wrong. Ava gave me a confused look, discreetly shrugging her shoulders.

"Ignore him, I know he looks a bit scary, but he's really a giant softy." Ava laughed lightly. I shot her a look, before rolling my eyes. "Come on, why don't I show you your room?" She suggested. Riley hesitated a moment before glancing up at Ava. She seemed to be debating about whether or not to just ignore the offer.

"Okay." She eventually sighed, standing up to follow Ava up the stairs. I watched them go, before letting out a large sigh as they disappeared.

I can't believe Aunt Cherry actually brought her home. I mean I'm not against the idea or anything it was just...unexpected. When I had said that it seemed like Aunt Cherry was giving her a second chance, I hadn't been suggesting that she come live with us.

Is that why Aunt Cherry had gotten all excited, and left in a rush earlier. Did I give her that idea?

I sighed walking into the kitchen. Biting my lip I grabbed a couple snacks and drinks from the cupboard before walking upstairs.

Hesitating outside the open door, I peered in to see Ava helping the girl unpack her miniscule amount of belongings. She barely had anything, just a couple articles of clothing, a sketch pad, a shiny ipod that looked like it was from the dinosaur ages, and a single book. I looked closely at the title, and smiled slightly.

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief.

"Hey." I greeted. "Can I come in?" I asked not wanting to intrude. She bit her lip uncertainly before nodding her head.

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