chapter 12

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Michaels POV

We arrived in Paris a few hours ago and we are all settled in the hotel.we have a beautiful view of the effel tower and the city.the people here are really sweet to us and to each other.I really wanted to explore Paris a bit so we got dressed and went out.I just stayed as my self I didn't feel like changing.

We hopped into a limo and started driving off to a little market place near by.we hopped out and everyone was normal.a few people came up to me for photos and autographs but no mobs or cameras.I loved it here I am just a normal person.

"Hey daisy you gotta try this cheese!"

"Give me some!"

She grabbed it bout of my hand and took a huge bite


"I know!"

While we were eating cheese I hade a strange feeling like I was being watched. I turned around fast but there was no one there.I looked for a minute then continued eating my cheese. I turned around and suddenly there was a girl who had bumped into me laying on the floor.she had this huge bush of hair so I could see her face.

"Oh I am so sorry ma'am let me help you!"

I lifted her up and saw her stomach dropped it was......

Daisy's pov


No no no this can't be happening I know Michael had feelings for her but it never worked out between them but I never asked why.this is bad news for me.this is all like a book were he meets the ex or something and then the girl that he is with is jealous and they end up fighting.I hate this!

"Oh Michael who is this?" I acted dum

"Oh Tatiana meet girlfriend!"

"What! I mean hi lovely to meet you!"

"Lovely to meet you to its been so long since me and Michael have seen each other!"

"Ya it has so how have you been?"

"Oh still in the modeling biz!"

"That's great well nice seeing you!"

"Bye Michael bye daisy!"

"Bye bye!" I said with a fake smile

"It was so nice seeing her again!"

"Oh and what I am your girl friend now?"

"Well no but I just said that so she didnt have any ideas!"

"Oh I see haha!"

Tegans POV

Did Michael just call her his .....girlfriend no this can't be happening no!I am going to have to work super hard then to beat her.i hope I get to "bump" into Michael again.he's concert is tonight I think I will? Make a visit.I will have to find a way to sneak in maybe I should go before actual security gets there.

Daisy's POV

Wow I still can't get over Michael calling me his girlfriend. I know I know its fake but I mean it feels so real since I have feelings for him and all.I am over the moon with joy I don't even know what to do.I have like this smile that can't go away at all.

"Hey mike shouldn't we get back to get ready for the show?"

"Ya your right come on let's go"

We walked back to the limo and drove to the hotel to get our things then we were off to the show.

Tegans POV
I arrived at the show a little before it started so I could get in.there were so many fans there already abd some security standing in front of the doors.I had a plan that I would go in as one of the dancers for he's show hopefully they let me in.I went behind a bush and dressed up like a dancer with sneakers and a top tided around my stomach.

I walked up to the one security guy and gave him a smile.

"And who are you?"

"Oh I am one of the dancers for Michael!"

"OK go in!"

I can't believe they fell for that.I ran in and tried not to get caught by him.I walked into the dancers changing room an changed into an outfit.

"Him who are you?"asked one of the dancers

"Umm hi I am.....Tegan" I said

"Oh hi so you are the new girl they were talking about?"

"Yup that's me!"

"Great we are about to go on!"

The girls left the room while I quickly got dressed.I did my hair like there's and walked out.then I saw Michael standing on stage singing a love song.he didn't need any dancers but the next song he will.suddenly it was our time to shine I ran on stage and did the right thing....I think

Daisy's POV

Its so much fun singing on stage with Michael its the best thing I have ever done and now I get to use my voice.I looked over to the dancers and I noticed a new girl.I couldn't see her face behind that big bush of hair she has.they did a spin and then I saw her face it was Tatiana!I couldn't believe it I actually missed a note.

I wish I could tell Michael about this,....evil thing trying to get to him.whtabdoes she want from him well I think I know what she wants.she wants to get back with him but now she sees I am with him and now she is all jealous.oh I don't know what's about to happen.

Michaels POV

"Thank you!!I love you!!"

I ran off stage and into my dressing room.I drank a bottle of water in one go.I was dying I just need a break.i heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

"Hey Michael umm there's a big problem"


"Well Tatiana was acting as one of your dnacers today"


"Ya I am 100℅ sure she wants to get back with you!"

"No no this can't be "

"Well it is!"

"Well she won't get her way!"

Hope you guys liked this
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