Chapter 9

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Nicki Minaj - The night is still young

Backstage I felt my phone buz. I fished it out of ny pocket and looked at my lock screen. It was a picture of me, Normani and Dinah leaning against the fall of our hotel room trying to get hold of Dinah's phone while Lauren and Ally were in the back trying to hold onto one another for balance.

Mr. Grumpy :
Change of plans. You're free for the rest of the day. See you tomorrow @ 8

"Girls what do you say about a sleepover at my place" I asked receiving confused looks from them. I showed them my phone and they quickly agreed to meet up at my house in half an hour.

Lauren was the firts to arrive. "Hey Lo" i greeted as she sat next to me on my king sized bed.
All the girls had keys to each others home. Lauren took the box from my hands and poured out all the contents.

"What's this Camz?" She picked up an old photograph of me with my mom and dad. " It's my Memory box and - aww I've been looking for this." I took the small black bag and pulled out a few polaroids. Then I shuffled through them till I found the one of me and Lauren holding hands while laughing.

"You kept it? Her voice was shaky as if she wanted to cry.
I tilted her chin up with my finger. When my eyes met hers I forgot every bit of pain I had been feeling. We both started leaning in slowly.

Our lips were mere inches apart whelikedoor slammed shut it was like ice water being poured on us. Lauren jumped up from the bed but got her leg stuck on the sheet resulting in her tumbling to the ground. My hand shot out trying to save her from the fall but that only resulted in me being pulled down with her.

I landed on top of Lauren. I lifted myself with my arms but our faces were ztill inches apart. That was sadly the moment my dear old friend Dinah walked in the room. Her bags fell on the floor as her jaw dropped. " Well well well what have we here?" Her patronizing tone and raised eyebrows made me feel like a kid being caught with her hand down the cookie jar.

Laurens hands were all of the sudden on my waist. My eyes drifted from Dinah's curious gaze down to the green eyed beauty beneath me. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Lauren seemed to think the same thing as me and before I knew it we were both leaning in again.

Time seemed to stop in the moment our lips met. Her lips were soft and tasted like chery gum she was always chewing. Our lips moved in sinc until a loud squeal disrupted our kiss.

We slowly broke apart and turned our heads to where Dinah stood along with a awe struck Normani. Both were grinning like cheshire cats. " Are you just gunna watch or do you wanna join in?" Lauren joked causing Normani to grin even wider.

Dinah walked over and helped me up. Straightening my clothes I held out my hand for Lauren to take. Her hand gripped mine as I pulled her up. Normani cleared her throat and pointed at us " you got some explaining to do"

"We just kissed" I explained for what seemed like the thousandth time. But much to my dismay Dinah and Normani didn't seem to buy it.

After hours of convincing Normani that it was just a kiss. Eventually she let it go and we decided to watch some tv.

We were all cuddled on the couch. Normani and Dinah each chose the one seaters leaving me and Lauren to sit on the love seat. Dinah chose mind of a murderer so we all got comfortable and started watching.

Hours of crime shows has passed and Lo and I were the only ones awake. Her head was on my shoulder as the credits played on the screen. "Lo tell me please" I didn't have to clarify because she already knew. She sat up right and softly placed a kiss on my lips. " Not yet" She softly whispered before lying her head on my lap and fell asleep.

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