Chapter 21

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9 Crimes – Bianca Wood ft. Richard Stirton Cover

This song isn’t really linked to the chapter I was just listening to it while writing this. Also this is the second last chapter to Polaroid. I will reread and edit this book as soon as I have time. I will also post a playlist for this book.

Camila’s POV
The weeks following my engagement was busy as always. Our parents held a engagement party for us and let me just say, old people should not get drunk.

I mean yeah it’s funny but still though seeing your mom head banging to a metal song can cause some serious pshycological problems.

Lauren has been going to her therapist a lot less now. She has improved so much over the year and I couldn’t be more proud.

Today I was going with my mother and Normani, my maid of honor, to try on my wedding dress. Normani had asked a famous designer who’s name I can’t even try to pronounce, to design my dress.

We walked into the designer lady’s office and waited for her to meet us. Pretty soon I was being pushed into a dressing room with a white dress thrusted into my arms.

The dress made my eyes water as I stood looking at myself in the mirror. I was never confident about myself but I felt better now. “Aww sweety you look incredible!” My mother exclaimed clutching a tissue to her chest.

Holy shit could this woman get emotional. I listend to her compliment me until she, the designer and Mani started talking.

I turned around and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Who would have guessed it that I would be getting married in 30 days to the girl of my dreams.

My eyes registered the sillouete of a small person a few feet away from me. I spun around only to feel my knees giving out from under me. Normani rushed to my side but as soon as she saw where my eyes were glued to she fell right beside me.

Right there in the room staring back at us with a tear streaked face was none other than our best friend and band mate, Ally.

“Camila you look beautiful” Her voice was held so much pain. Hearing her voice also gave me enough strength to get back on my feet. I turned my back to Ally and went back to the dressing room.

After being back in my jeans and tank top I walked back out. Normani and Ally were in a pretty emotional discision when I approached them.

“Ally?How are you alive? The doctor said you were dead!” I heard my voice break at the last part. Only then did I notice the smaller girl tugged into Ally’s side. I didn’t need any conformation to know who she was. I already know that it’s Ally’s daughter, Amy.

She looked just like a younger Ally. The only thing she has over her father I concluded was her eyes. They were bright blue and had so much pain and fear in them.

“I’m so sorry Camz. But can I explain with the rest of the girls present, it’s to painful to repeat hundreds of times, please.”

I agreed that it would be the  best so we all headed to my house awaiting the others arivals. As soon as we all got seated, and all the tears had slightly dried up I asked Ally to give us her explanation.

“Girls I’m so sorry for everything. I’m just going to explain a few things first. This is my daughter Amy. That night of the car accident, I really did get hurt but I didn’t die…” Normani mutterd a loud ‘obviously’ before Ally continued her story.

“I had hired a private investigator to track my little girl down, I wanted to know her. Sure enough he found her the day before the MSG performance. I was planning on telling you all but then the accident happened and…anyway at the hospital I found Amy, she a had escaped from Trevor and found me. That’s when she told me he was there, at the hospital and I couldn’t risk any of you getting hurt so I paid off the doctor to lie, Simon knew of this and hated me for it but he and management knew it was for all our safety. So after my investigator had found Trevor raping a 16 year old girl he shot him. He died that night. But I’m back now. I have nothing holding me back anymore. I’m so sorry for all the pain I caused you.”

The silence in the room seemed to scream louder than some singers in metal bands do. No one knew what to say. The only sound was of us all sniffling or sobbing. This was wrecking us. Everything we knew just flew out the window.

I opened my eyes and felt Laurens hand encasing mine. Her touch made me calm down.

Lets just say it was a pretty eventfull day.

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