Chapter 1: Caught

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As Lux continued to stare at the blueish view of hyperspace, his mind couldn't help but wander to how it all began. Just before the Clone Wars ended, a group of Senators had met on Coruscant to voice their concerns over Chancellor Palpatine's growing power. Lux was one of them. He too found it perplexing that the Chancellor of the Republic would want to take direct control of the Jedi Council.

Following the Great Jedi Purge and the rise of the Galactic Empire, his best friend and former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano had fled Onderon for fear of being arrested because of her past. Shortly after, The Senate underwent a reorganisation. Now the Chancellor; the elected leader of the Imperial Senate would be the messenger between the Senate and the Emperor. Any policies or laws that were voted on would be passed to the Chancellor, who would pass it on to the Emperor to be put in place.

But Lux wasn't stupid, or at least not as deluded as most of the other politicians that formed the Senate. The only political power held by the Senate now was the one conjured up in the minds of the politicians. The Imperial Senate was a powerless debating club, nothing more. and Lux wasn't the type to stand by and watch the galaxy suffer under the Emperor's thumb.

Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan had introduced him to Fulcrum, a hooded figure with a distorted voice, indistinguishable as male or female. She spoke to him only through holo and they never met in person. This time should be no different. The sound of an alarm jolted Lux out of his daze and alerted him to their location.

Lux: 'Okay R5, we're approaching the rendezvous point, power down the hyperdrive'

As Freedom emerged from hyperspace, Lux could see the Blockade Runner painted in blue and white directly ahead. He hailed them and relayed the codes given to him by Fulcrum.

'This is Blockade Runner Endurance, you are cleared to dock. Bay 2'. The response came in over the radio.

Lux banked the starship around so that both ships were facing the same direction and docked with Endurance. As the pressure stabilised, Lux looked up and was greeted by the sight of a Star Destroyer emerging from hyperspace in front of him.

'Oh kriff, that cannot be good.' Lux muttered to himself before turning to R5 and ordering him to power the ship up for hyperspace.

'Freedom to Endurance, disengage, DISENGAGE!' Lux almost yelled over the radio. Before the ships could even try to run, both were caught in the tractor beam and started drifting towards the Star Destroyer.

'Oh I have a bad feeling about this...' Lux said, watching helplessly as his ship was pulled toward the hangar bay.

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