5~I have a lot of siblings, big deal.

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5~I have a lot of siblings, big deal.






No not the superhero, don't be dumb.

I'm taking about cameras. Everywhere.

It's been a day since that article came out from TMZ. 

My life has been hell.


I sued TMZ for uploading that picture of me and Austins kissing. By the way, I got my memory back and remember preciscely EVERYTHING. 

Why did I kiss that one of a kind, hot, beautiful , greek god-


I run into an alley where I jump over a high fence and keep running until I lose the cameras. I find the destination that I was looking for the whole time. As I take the boxing gloves and my stuff for fighting. I throw my backpack  behind a trash bin where no one can find it.

Once I hear crowds cheering, I find my beautiful resting place.

YEAH, beating up people is kinda peaceful. What? Call me weird.

Besides, I really need to blow off some steam.


"Hey SweetPea."

"I saw TMZ. You need to blow off some steam?"

"Sure, get me a good opponent."

"Okay babe." She says as she walks away. 5 minutes later i'm in the ring with two people. Two girls.

Two to one, I guess. Not much of a challenge.

"We're gonna take you down, we're the strongest people here." The girl says.

"Yeah, and you'll be on the floor begging mercy."

30 seconds later...

"MERCY, PLEASE, MERCY!!" The two girls say while covering their faces on the floor. Cue the audience laughing and clapping.

I just finish them off, get my money and run off home.

That's when I forgot to give the money to the girls. I haven't done that in so long. Man, I must be really mad atTMZ for posting that picture of me and Austin. I get a text from Kenzie asking her to meet her at the mall downtown. So I quickly changed into a tank top and some shorts. It was crazy hot outside today for some reason. Pairing on some sneakers, I hop into my Audi and head to Phoenix mall. Once I was there, I saw all the girls waitingfor me.

"We saw your photo baby, we're so sorry, it must've ruined your reputation." Kenzie pats my shoulders.

"Yeah, its no biggie anyway, it's just a small broken reputation, all I have to do is avoid Austin fora week and it'll be back to normal. I mean, the same thing happened with me and Zac Efron, remember." I say as I recall the timethat people thought I was Zac's new girlfriend. For my birthday party, the girls brought Zac to my party as a surprise and we both got so drunk we made out, and as usual, people from my party took pictures and uploaded it online. I didn't talk to Zac and after  a week, a new thing came up, where kim kardashian's big booty showed up and broke the internet. It's funny really.

"Hey, let's go shopping, always makes you feel better right?" Lucy suggested.

"Huh, I guess so. Why not? Come on girls, let's go shopping!"I say, immeadiatley perking up. Shopping does always makes me feel better.Besides, I needed new jeans, I'm getting taller.

4 hours later...

"Thank you Jones." I say, as my chauffeur puts the crazy amount of shopping bags into the back of the limo. Me and the girls had a crazy shopping hyperness, probably cause of all the fraps we had at starbucks. We spent around 3000 dollars worth of cash. It's not like I care anyway. I'm not bragging, but 3000 dollars barely scratch the amount of money my dad makes. I never see him at home reall, it's kind of sad.

"Anything for milady." He replies, smiling. I drop the girls off at their houses, and head over to mine. As soon as I reach my bed, I crash down and start snoozing. Just about 10 minutes later, i'm guessing, my door creaks open and a shrill, high pitched voice that was really annoying at first but I soon learned to love, entered the room. There was only one person in the whole entire world who had that adorable voice.

"Dede?" My little toddler sister says as she comes into my room. She still has trouble speaking so she often calls me 'Dede" instead of 'Demi'.

"Silena! How's my baby sister!" I say as she runs into my arms. "Oh look how big you are! How's New York?"

"Noo yok fun! I made friends! But I miss Dede lot."

"Aww, I missed you a lot too. Did everyone else come?" I say as she does a quick nod. "Well then let's go see them." I pick up Silena and walk down the stairs, looking at the crowded room of my siblings. Just so you know, I have about 9 siblings. I have a lot of siblings, yeah, whatever. 

Once they saw me they came and hugged me as we all talked about what happened since spring break, which is when we all last saw each other. Some of my siblings lived in Philidelphia, some in New York(like Silena), and some in Dubai. Me and Jackson(my brother) lived in Boston. Don't ask about the crazy seperation thing, but it's not like you can fit about 12 people in a family for one mansion. Even ours is't that big enough. I'm the 3rd youngest in our family, with my twin brother and sister right underneath me. Yes, we're triplets. And yes,I live with my twin brother, not sister.

Anyway, I think thats enough about my family for a day.

"Demi, check out ratchet new trick I learned while in New York." Lucas, my older brother(annoying and VERY protective of me) does a skateboard trick that makes me yawn. 

"All this time, and you're still boring at skateboard. Not to mention I can totally beat your arse in a competition."

"I'd like to see you try, lil sis."

"Bring it Lucas, bring it."

Hey! Sorry so much for not updating,my finals are coming up and i'm crazy stressed out. Not to mention the fact that i've been sick for about two weeks now. (Seriously, i'm not even joking) Anyways, I wanted to thank you all for supporting my story, even though I don't update much or anything, but seriously, thank you guys, and I love you, Bye!<3

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