Chapter 9

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I didn't make it far, I started to feel light headed. I waved my hand for a taxi, a taxi stopped in front of me.I quickly got in. I took off my hoodie I felt my head, I brought my hand to my face.Blood covered my hand.

The taxi man looked at me.His eyes widen.

"Miss your bleeding ...should I take you to a hospital? "he said.

"No....take me to the airport....hurry "I said.

The taxi driver pulled off, I leaned my head against the window.I felt a heat wave of pain come over me.I started to sweat.

I felt pain but I also felt like I was drugged.Tyler probably did drug me, all I know was that I felt like I was going to die.

"Stop the car "I said.

The taxi driver stopped, I quickly got my bag and ran out the car. We were outside of town, I was running in the woods not knowing where I was going.

I fell down and started to roll down the hill, I hit my head on a rock but I kept rolling.Finally, I stopped.

I felt my blood flowing out my head, I started breathing heavy.Right then and there I knew I was dying.

-----------The Unknown POV.

I walked into Tyler's bedroom.

"She was here she probably left "Tyler said.

I placed on my leather gloves, I took out my gun.Tyler backed up.

"I didn't mean to take her from you......I just fell in love with her. "Tyler added.

I stared at Tyler not knowing if to kill him or use him. At first I was going to kill Tyler when he first kissed Nina.

I knew Nina was out there and that my soon too be dead bride was hurt because of Tyler.

While, I was lost in my thoughts Tyler started to run. I followed him out the room, I shot him in his leg. He fell to the floor, I kicked Tyler down the stairs.

Tyler head hit the step and blood leaked out, I could see part of his skull. I slowly walked down the steps.Tyler made me angry I was considering letting the bitch live but he had to run.

Tyler started to crawl to the front door, I shot him in the other leg.Tyler screamed out in pain, I kicked Tyler in the head.Tyler moaned in pain.

I pointed the gun at Tyler's head.

"Please "Tyler said.

Tyler coughed out blood, I love hearing people beg for their life.

I pulled the trigger, Tyler's brain splattered on the floor.His blood flew in my face, I kicked Tyler's lifeless body.

Nina my love, I'm coming for you.

----------Nina POV

I blinked several times trying to keep myself from blacking out.I saw a cabin in the distance. I started to crawl in the direction of the cabin.

I up the strength to stand on my feet I made my way to the cabin, I leaned on the trees to keep me up.What seemed like years.I finally. made it to the cabin door, I knocked a couple of times.Finally, the door opened. I fell to the floor.

"Oh my God, Daniel take her to the couch "the person said.

I slowly closed my eyes.


I looked around the cabin, I slowly leaned up.

"No ..lay down, my mom is making you some soup "a boy said.

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