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Well then first things first my names Destiny. Destiny Melanie Blue Sky, yep my mum was 18 when she had me and was going through her hippy faze meaning I have the cheesiest name ever, anyway people like to call me Dessy. Im 20 years old and I live with my mum. We dont have much money at the moment but we make what we need. Unfortunately that means I sometimes have to do a different kind of buisness. I know I hate it to but im desperate.

It didnt used to be like this though, i used to be rich me and my family would travel the world and live in all different countries. I lived in Australia for 4 years before things turned bad. I met a boy there who changed my life but I changed his and i dont think he would want to talk to me.

Look to make things easier ill just tell you the story. It started about 6 years ago, i was 14 and me and my family were leaving for australia...

{6 years ago}

"Destiny Melanie Blue Sky get out of bed and come down stairs" My mum yelled.

"Nope" I grumbled into the comfort of my pillow.

"Dessy come on dont be stupid we are leaving in an hour say goodbye to the house." She stated and left abruptly.

I practically rolled out if my bed landing with a thud onto the hardwood floor where there once was a rug but was now wrapped up neatly in a box thus making morning 10% more painful.

"Ow fuck" I moan as a sharp pain shoot up my body.

I heeve my body up and stand in the centre of my empty room. Im going to miss it, definitely.  I look around in search for clothes to hide my cold body.

My underwear was not enough to cover me from the cold draft coming from out of my window.

"Shit the windows open!" I run over forgetting about what im wearing. Soon enough i am reminded by my perverted best friend who is stood outside my window on my balcony.

"Des, I know I mean alot to you but this is not how you thank me...but if you insist." Within seconds he wressles me towards my bed and flops ontop of me.

Not in a nice way though. He used all of his wait and just lay down without moving.

"Get off oh my god" I try to laugh taking as little a breath that I could.

"Where are your clothes anyway" he laughs getting off of me and helping me up.

"I dont know" i answer "if i did do you think i would be fuck8ng naked infront of you...no"

He laughs and gets a bag off his shoulder.

"Here take these." He says passing me a large bag.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well its some clothes..some that youve left at mine over the past 2 years and some that i bought for you." He smiles. His eyes become glossy with every word.

"Thank you" I whisper unable to talk loud enough.

I rummage through the bag and find some fresh underware.

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