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The same alarm as every other day rang and bounced off of the walls and into my ears, filling them with the pointless,constant,beep. My eyes drifted open as my hand forever searched for the plastic piece of shit that insisted that I woke up.

"FUCKKKK" I yelled as I got up from bed and walked over to the alarm which was neatly placed on my desk. There was no doubt that it was one of my mums 'smart ideas' on getting me out of bed in the morning. I loved the woman to pieces but her ideas were stupid and I wanted to kill her.

"Morning Michael I made breakfast and coffee." My mum bounces in with a tray and lays it on my desk, she walks over to my dresser and grabs out my uniform and places it neatly on my bed, kisses me on the forehead and promptly leaves. I don't know where I would be without her to be honest but I do know that I'm grateful for her.

I grabbed the pair of underwear which was sat on my bed and chucked them on along with the other clothes. It was getting late so I grabbed my toast and ate it as quick as possible followed with a quick chug of my coffee finishing it off all in one. I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom to sort my hair which took 15 minutes on its own.

"Michael, you are going to be late, again." Mum yelled "now get your arse out of this door"

I ran down the stairs missing a couple of steps on the way and said goodbye to my mum closing  the door behind me. I was walking along the pavement until I heard a giggle from behind me, my mother and father were stood there laughing to themselves when it dawned on me...IT WAS THE FUCKING HOLIDAYS!!!!!!
I stormed into the house growling at my mother and threw my bag on the floor. I walked towards my room and got unchanged in a matter of seconds, I was too tired to stay awake and seize the day so I went back to bed.

I was in bed for the rest of the day or so it seemed, until I woke up at 12 with my mothers best friend leaning over my bed with a cheeky grin on her stupid face. I felt a sudden tingle on my forehead when I realised she had poured water on me.

"OH MY GOD" I shot up trying to catch my breath whilst choking on warm air and cold water. My mums best friend Karen was like a second mum and a sister to me, I'd grown up with her until she moved with her daughter years ago. She used to visit every few years but I last saw her around 5 years ago but it seemed like forever.

"Aunt Karen, oh my god I didn't know you were back!!!" I yelled as she hugged me.

"Yeah me and your mum wanted to surprise you, I've brought Dessy aswell do you remember her?" She asked me. I think Dessy was her daughter but I can't really remember what she was like I was 4 last time I saw her.

"Great I'll go see her in a minuite" I answer as I grab a random top on my desk and begin to walk downstairs. I ruffle my hair and grab my jeans and continue to pull them up as hard as I could. Skinny jeans are great but unfortunately it takes me around 10 minuite a to put them on.

I stumble down stairs and into a group of bags sat in the front of the stairs. I waltzed into the living room to meet our guests. There in front of me stood a tall girl with blonde hair and long tanned legs, her shorts fitted her so well that it was almost impossible not to look. Her white shirt gripped to her skin as though it were attached and the drawstrings dangled between her boobs as though they were some sort of feature.As my eyes glanced up her perfectly sculptured neck her piercingly blue eyes met mine as her long eyelashes broke our stare every few seconds. She smiled and blinded me with these perfectly white teeth and her lips plump and pink and......

"Hi Michael!!" She jumped and brought me into a hug. As I realised what I'd been missing, boobs. Her boobs were just there on my chest sat perfectly. I had no idea how I was gonna get out of this state of mind but I was gonna try. Sometimes being a teenage boy was a curse, actually it was always a curse.

"Destiny, how've you been?" I asked awkwardly as I scratched the back of my neck and chucked my hand in my pocket. I smiled and she began to speak though I couldn't hear a word I was to busy staring at her nose for some odd reason, it was so perfect and pretty, the glimmering piercing was so hallucinating I couldn't think of anything else.

"Michael, you ok?" She chuckled pulling me out of my gaze. Fuck sale Michael play it cool, you can do this. "I love your hair by the way it's cute" she continues to ruffle my hair. I usually hate it but when she does it it's peaceful and calming.

"Yeah I'm fiNE tHaNks" FUCK YOU PUBERTY. Dessy beautiful giggle bounces into my ears and takes over my sole.

"You two go out somewhere we wanna have grown up chats now ok.!" My mum said as she pushed me out the door with 20 dollars and Dessy grabs her bag and places neatly around her shoulder.
"How was your flight?" I asked eating my Popsicle  on the rock beside the still lake.

"Alright I guess" she said as she ate her ice cream and skimmed a stone across the peaceful water. A splash ripples out like a dance and dies down gently.

"When you going back?" I asked cutting myself out of my dream like state.

"I'm not, I live here now." She states the mere fact. Somehow I knew she was sad, she reminded me of her mother and I knew her mother better than most people. The way she worded the it made me worry and that's when I knew something was wrong.

"Why? What's happens?" I ask worriedly and stare at her until she answers truthfully.

"I think my parents are going through a divorce and my mum wanted to move back here to have her friends by her side" she says as though it doesn't matter. She says it as though her life isn't falling apart.

"I'm so sorry Des" I say hoping she's ok, her reply suprised me. She looks me dead in the eyes.

"I'm fine and I will be fine, so don't worry about me!" She states and goes back to eating her ice cream.

She smiled and sat next to me watching the trees sway, I looked down to see the little girl I once knew we had gone back to being children and children are the best at keeping secrets.

So yeah that's Michaels but sorry for the very late upload but I am starting to reilise how weird fanfic is but I still love it so yeah.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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