The Soldier and the Bear

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A/N: This was a requested story. I kind of had an idea and ran away with it.... I hope you like it! (Sorry there isn't as much romance)

From her vantage point, Valyn could see the massive amounts of Imperials lined up on the bridge in front of the gate. But no one could see her. A fireball crashed a few feet from her.
"Damn." She cursed and hopped back down and turned to her friend. "There's so many of them. I don't know if we'll make it." Her tone of voice was worried.

"Don't give up hope Valyn." Sade grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly. "We're Stormcloaks! We have the Gods on our side."

"But, Sade. Where were the Gods during the Great War or when your mother was killed by the Thalmor? " Sade only blinked when her mother was mentioned. "They don't care about us. They only care if we worship and sacrifice for them." Valyn was grim and she shoved Sade away. "Run away and don't look back. I don't want to see you die."

Sade slapped Valyn hard across her cheek and then grabbed Valyn's face. In a quiet voice, she said, "Do you really think I'm leaving you behind? Because if you do, you don't know who I am." Valyn shook her off. "Besides, I need to see you get married to that Jarl." Sade's voice was serious but Valyn could tell she was making light of the situation. Valyn narrowed her eyes.

"This is not the time nor the place to be talking about marriage! You are too carefree in the worst moments. Come on. We need to warn the Jarl." Valyn grabbed her friend's hand and started towards the palace at a run. In a split second however, she took a loud breath and turned back to Sade. "But for the record, he is kind of cute." Valyn started again as Sade squealed. Valyn wished that Ulfric liked her. What she didn't know was that he has liked her since she first walked brought the front doors demanding a place in the Stormcloak army.

They had crossed almost an entire block before Valyn turned around with another thought. "And the same to you! I need to see you and Hadvar together." The redhead blushed and stuttered before yelling back at her friend.

"How did you know about that?" Valyn only smiled. It was rare when Sade was caught off guard.

"Word travels around fast when you are the Dragonborn."

The day was just beginning. The sun was rising in the East casting light all over the stone walls, and for once, Windhelm wasn't profusely snowing. Valyn took a look around her, her breath ghosting in little wisps. Windhelm looked much too calm and beautiful for war to be looming at its gates.

They barged into Place of the Kings after bypassing the guards. "The Imperials are here!" Valyn shouted at them. They immediately began to set up the barricades behind them.

Once inside the palace, Sade and Valyn stood at attention in front of their leader, Ulfric Stormcloak. He looked just as calm as he had when she had first met him on that carriage ride to Helgen. Back then, he was gagged and she hadn't known why. Now she knew that if he hadn't been, he would have just shouted his way out of his execution. He could bring down an Empire with just his voice. She always wondered if everything he said was laced with the power of the dragons. She always wanted to be around him and hear what he had to say. This was out of character for her because she had always been a loner. But the first words he ever spoke to her had broken that pattern. 'Legends don't burn down villages.' Valyn didn't know why Ulfric was so enchanting to her. She just knew that she would follow him to her death.

"What did you see? How many are there?" He asked, his voice all business and authority but his heart fluttering like a lovesick child's. He was able to keep his composure though. Valyn took a step forward and gave him a grim look.

"Hundreds, my Jarl. We are greatly outnumbered." Ulfric only nodded before motioning for Valyn and Sade to return to their posts. She and her friend walked back over to their spots in the throne room and watched as Ulfric turned to Galmar.

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