Chapter 4: Experimenting Friends with benefits?!

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Steven P.O.V

These past few days have been so fun hanging out with Kevin. We've been almost everywhere in Seattle, watching scary movies at the theater or playing at the arcade. I feel happy. I can't help to think that when I get back home I'm going to miss him, I mean I'll see him in minecraft daily but I won't be able to see him fiscally and hang out like today.

We got home...home?! Did I really call Kevin's house home?! Ugh nevermind I took my phone out of my pocket, apperantly it's 7:45 p.m.

"Hey Steven." Kevin called out from the living room.

"Yeah" I shouted making my way to where he was.

"Are you ready for comic-con tomorrow?"

"Yep, I got my mask and everything!!!"

Oh I almost forgot to tell you guy's, tomorrow me and Kevin are going to comic-con and guess what we're going to cosplay as... SCMowns and Tomanex!!! That's right we're going as our Minecraft skin's. This is going to be fun.

I went to the couch and I sat next to him looking at what he was watching on the T.V. He's watching some weird show called Supernatural. Kevin really likes gory stuff. I mean last time we went to the movies to watch The Conjuring and I almost popped out of my chair while he was just laughing, like if it was some funny joke.

"Hey Steven, can I tell you something?" he said looking towards me.

"Yeah I guess..."

"Promise me no matter what I say right now, you won't run away. You won't leave me" He said with sadness and terror in his voice.

"What, what is it?" I said a little anxious, wanting to know what wrong with him.

He grabbed my right hand and put it in between both of his and he looked at me with a dead serious face. I feel like something bad is going to happen.

"Steven I... I love you, I love you so much..."

"Wha-what?!" I shouted.

My head feels like I was about to pass out. Did I hear him clearly? Did he really just say that he loved me.

"Kevin I-" He cut me off.

"You don't have to give me a direct answer now but I just wanted you to know how I feel. Because if I don't tell you now I might not have a chance to tell you later so please don't answer me now, answer me when your mind is settled, okay?" He said.

"I think...I think I need to go out and walk a little" I said, my voice was kind of trailing of but so was my mind. I can't think straight.

I grabbed my jacket and I went to the door leaving Kevin by himself. I can't believe it Kevin loves me. I don't understand, when did he developed these feeling?! And if he did why?

I went back after the long walk and my mind is settled. Kevin was still in the couch, he looked sad.

"We'll I made up my mind" I said with a happy voice or at least I thought I was.

"Huh?..." He stood up from the couch so we we're face to face.

"I want to experiment!!!" I busted out.

"What?" He said confused.

"I'll agree to this only in one term. I want to experiment to see if I like this situation or not, understand?" I said with so much power in my voice.

"O-okay I guess..." He said. I wasn't to sure if he was happy or not. I hope he is, I'm not just doing this for myself I'm doing this for him too. I fell like I own him one. I mean he's letting me stay at his house and being nice to me, might a well be nice to him.

I stood on my tippy toe and I gave him a little peck on the lips to make our deal official. I was going to separate my face from him but then I felt something grab the back of my head and pushed me forward to him again. He kissed me back but this wasn't a rough kiss, it was sweet and gentle and I liked it...

I think this experiment will go just fine.

~Next day~

"Kevin wake up!!! I shouted.

Today is comic-con day. Finally, I'm so exited!

"Ugh I'm up, I'm up, just give me a minute..."

"Noooooo, if you don't get ready now we'll be late" I got on the bed and I jumped on him.

"Get up!!!"

" Okay okay, I'm up damn it!"

"Good, breakfast is on the table and once your done go get ready okay!!!"

"Hehe, okay." He went downstairs.

While he was eating breakfast I was showering, which only took me 10 minutes. I went to the room and looked at the pair of clothes that were on the bed. The one on the left was a white suit with my SCMowns wolf mask and on the right was a black suit with a black hat and a black gas mask.

I put on the suit with my mask and my famous old tattered black convers. I went down stairs to see that Kevin was washing his plate.

"Help Forums!!!" I shouted.

"Oh jeez Steven you scared me!" He said taking a grip to his chest as if he was going to have a heart attack.

"I'm sorry but who's Steven, I'm SCMowns hehe" I joked.

"Haha very funny." He said sarcastically.

"I'm going upstairs to get changed."



Okay guys I'm leaving it here for today my head hurts for trying to force myself into thinking up this chapter, but don't worry next chapter will be Kevin's P.O.V and yes I will write down what's going to happen in comic-con. So next update will be on Saturday like always and check out my other fanfic SCpuppyStephanie and SlyfoxNina. So anyways guy's I'll see you later bye!!!

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