Chapter 11: You're my new home now...

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Kevin's P.O.V

Well it's September and Steven is already getting ready to go back home to his mom and multiple numbers of cousins and friends. I can't help but fell a little jealous since I'll be lonely until Christmas which he promised he'll be back by then.

"Kevin. " I heard Steven call out my name from the stairs. He was wearing a long blue nuke sleeve shirt with dark blue skinny and his battered converse chunks which were marked with sharpie all over the white parts of them. "Kevin, what are you doing in your pjs, we're supposed to go out today!"

"Huh, why?"

"Why else, today's our last summer day together!" He said smiling even though I could make out that he was a little sad that he's leaving.

I let out a little sigh and put on a fake smile. "Yeah sure, let me just get ready." I got of the couch and headed upstairs to take a five minute shower. I came back downstairs dressed in a red Polite Fiction shirt and black skinny's with a leather jacket and boots. I grabbed my keys and walked to the porch finding Steven sitting down on the front stairs looking at sunrise, he looked tired. We didn't really sleep that much last night, we were trying to spend our last summer day to the fullest.

"Ready?" I asked, he turned his head towards me.

"Y-yeah." He said standing up.

"Listen Steven we've been up all night, you don't want to stay inside and sleep." I suggested.

"No!" He bursted out. "I mean, let's just go out." He smiled warm-fully.

With that I locked the door to my house and went to the car and started it with Steven getting into the shotgun seat. I derived not knowing where to go.

"Soooo...." I said awkwardly. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere." He blurted out without thinking.


I decided to take him to the movies and watch something funny, we watched Bad Grandpa and we've been laughing threw the whole movie. Then we went to the arcade and played some old games together.

After the fun and games, we went back to my house and recorded some videos together with Eddie and Aleks.

"Alright Homies well see ya later!" Eddie said with his signature giggle. After we ended recording we we're all talking about games and how've been.

"I'll be right back I need to get something to drink." Steven said stretching out of my bed laying his laptop on the nightstand next to him, leaving the room.

"Hey guys I'll talk to you later, Aleks and me have to do something's right now."

"Yeah sure it's fine." Honestly I wanted to leave because I want to spend sometime with Steven before he leaves.

"Alright see ya!" Eddie said signing off.

I stretched my arms and looked at the clock, two hours until Steven leaves. At least his stuff is packed and put away in his bags.

He came back upstairs with a cup in his hand. "Hey, brought you some water." He said giving me the cup, I just put it down on my desk not really thirsty.

"Did Sly and Aleks leave already?"

"Yeah, they have some stuff to do."

"Oh I see." He said sitting next to me by the corner of the bed. "It's already seven, I think we should get going."

"Okay..." I said a little sad. He got up and planted a kiss on my lips which I yelped too, not expecting it. He separated and went to go get his bags, I just sat there feeling happy and sad. Happy that he loves me but sad that he has to leave.

We grabbed the bags and placed them in the trunk of my car and headed to the airport, we get there on time. I put his bag in the entrance of the airport. We stood there awkwardly.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." He said twiddling his thumbs together.



"I love you."

He smiled and responded. "I love you too." We hugged and kissed. I had to let go since his flight was about to bored and the process to get on the plain was long, I still didn't want to let go though.

After the painful goodbye. I went to home and crawled into my bed and slept the pain in my heart away. I woke up and looked at my clock it said eleven pm, Steven must be home by now. I turned in my bed trying to go back to sleep until I heard my doorbell ring. I ignored it but it kept on ringing. Gosh I just want to sleep, why can't they get that.

I grunted and slammed my pillow against the mattress pissed. I didn't want to be bothered, who ever was downstairs was gonna get the beating of their lives.

I went downstairs and looked threw the peephole of the door, no way. I opened the door reviling.

"Steven?!" I shouted. He jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

I carried him into the living room and threw myself with him into the couch, I didn't even bother turning on the lights. I felt happy but then that faded and questions started to come up.

"Steven, why are you hear and how?!"

"I told my mom I was going to stay here."

"For one more week?"

"Nope, I'm moving in with you!"

I sat up and looked at him sadly. "Steven, what about your family and friends?" I asked. "I don't want you staying here if you're gonna just leave your home behind."

"Kevin..." He cupped my face and placed his forehead on mine. "You are my home."

I smiled and laughed.

"I love you!" He said.

"I love you more."




To be continued...

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