Week Three

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Watched Spectre tonight. Summary of my family's reactions:

My Dad is being a nerd about all the old 007 film references in the movie.

My Mom is commenting on how Daniel Craig is "not even attractive" through the whole movie.

And I'm just fangirling about the villains of my fandoms being in the movie:
Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) as M.
Andrew FREAKING Scott (Moriarty) as C or Max
And also having watched Star Trek Into Darkness the night before and Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, the Semi-Protagonist) as Khan (Evil Superstrong Genius) which I also fangirled heavily over, the feels were just too much for me and I just acted the strangest and probably creepiest I ever have. Now I'm really tired, GOODNIGHT! Fangirled too hard. Hahahahahaha Fml.

Also I wrote this about two months ago and never posted it ahh whoops!

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