About Me

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So, my name's Jacob, but some of you probably know me better as Jaköbé Wolf. Meh, I prefer to go by Wolf. This here thing is just to tell you a bit about myself. The picture above, and I apologize for the shitty quality, is me.

Age: 18

School: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Nationality: Canadian

Sexuality: Demisexual/Heterosexual

Likes: Videogames, Writing, Reading, history, cats, anime, soft fluffy things, spicy food, cheese, music.

Dislikes: bitchy people, mashed potatoes, carrots, math.

Fears: Spiders

Dream Job: Writing Historical Fantasy novels.

Fav videogames: Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, Destiny, Age of Empires, Super Smash Brothers, Dark Souls

Fav anime: RWBY, Shingeki No Kyojin, Highschool DXD, To-LOVE Ru, Hellsing.

Fav Show: Deadliest Warrior

Favourite Voice Actor/ Actress: a tie between Laura Bailey and Troy Baker.

Fav J-Rock song(s): Gekijouron, by ZAQ, In My World by Rookiez is Punk'd

Fav regular rock song(s): From Shadows and Caffeine By Jeff William

Fav Bands: Imagine Dragons, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Bon Jovi.

Fav Vocalist(s): ZAQ, Jeff Williams, Casey Lee Williams, Brendan Urie.

And because I want to, and maybe she'll reveal herself too, I'm tagging sharky_1514.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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