The Castle

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This chapter is skipping forward to after Nico got the "job" at the castle, I had no idea how to write about that, so I'm sorry :/
Nico approached the front steps of King Apollos castle, with his small bag of clothes and treasured belongings.
The castle was incredibly intimidating, shining as though it was made out of the sun itself. He was sure it looked bigger now than it did when he first walked up to the doors, in the crowd of over 200 other young people, waiting to talk to the King.
Now he was standing here, with his stomach doing flips, hoping he would do a good job, and be in the castle permanently.
Nico wasn't sure how to get inside the castle. As he stood in front of the giant golden doors, he was trying to decide whether or not to knock, or try and find a door bell, or what he should do!
Just as he decided to knock, the doors opened, but there was no one there. Nico looked around. It was all so... Bright, not his usual style at all.
He wasn't sure where to go, until a man in a strange golden suit walked towards him.
"I am Dionysus. I am the butler at this beautiful, age old castle," he stated "and you are?"
"Uh, Nico... DiAngelo, sir. I'm the Princes new assistant." Nico told Dionysus.
"Ah yes, Nico. Would you like to follow me and meet William?" He questioned.
"Well, yeah, that would probably a good start." Nico said as they headed off.

"DIONYSUS!" Came a booming voice as the two of them were walking through a corridor. "What are you doing!?"
"I, I'm just introducing Nico DiAngelo to the Prince, sir." Dionysus sounded scared, as they walked into a large room, that was mostly empty, apart from a large throne, with a man who Nico could only imagine was King Apollo.
"Who is Nico?"
Nico raised his hand meekly, as he found himself unable to speak.
"Ah, yes, I see." The King began "I assumed you are one of my children's new assistants?"
"Uh, yes, your son William. Did you not know I was coming?" Nico said, as he was quite shocked.
"Well yes, but no, but yes. I did not choose who was to serve my children, but my children did. I do hope William has made the right choice." King Apollo did not seem like a light hearted man. "I have some conditions for you. We in the castle prefer our children do not SPEAK to the servants, or butlers, or, whatever you are. You are there to serve, not make friends. Understand?"
Nico could hardly breath.
"Yes, your majesty. I understand."

The two of them Continued through the castle. All of the open rooms were furnished very differently, but all featured that bright, "happy" feel.
"Here we are." Dionysus startled him. "Just knock, I'll stay out here, if you like."
In the most nervous state he'd been in yet, Nico walked up to the door, and went to knock, but once again, the door opened for him.
Nico let out a small gasp.
The room was amazing, It was huge! Nico didn't know what half of the things were, as when you're on the street, it's not something you pay attention to. But as a child, Nico had many electronic devices, William seemed to have all of them, and all the models since. His room wasn't as owed the top bright as the others, and was a bit of a mess, but not too messy, and not too clean.
Even though the room was amazing, that's not what caused the gasp.
It was the sight of the slightly ruffled, adorable prince sitting on his bed.
Nico knew he needed to stop staring, but the prince, was beautiful.

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