Day 13

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Exodus 23:25-26
"And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. 23:26 There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil."

"The prosperity and security of your destiny is in the promotion of the Kingdom". (Rev. Dr. Kwadwo Boateng Bempah).

Do you think it's your family medical doctor that can responsible for your good health?. Or its because you have carefully measured the right quantity of the food ingredients that you can stay healthy and live long?. That is not the case, but by the grace of God. Why is it that these same doctors whom you trust are suffering from the same things they are protecting you from?. It is the Lord that keeps men alive. But He doesn't protect men to be alive and wasting grace. He protects those who protect His interest by partnering with Him in soul winning. Every food we eat every time is a potential point for sickness and disease. It is only the Lord that protects and shields us from all these if only we are promoting His Kingdom. Take Moses for instance, as a Kingdom promoter, he lived for a long time with no record of sicknesses or disease. God is still in that business to create a hedge around His own, will you allow Him?. We die everyday by the things we eat or the environment we find ourselves in, but Kingdom promoters always are living so as to continue promoting His interest. This is the only time you can serve God. Give Him your best now, for Him to open the gates of heaven for you. You have a glorious destiny that you have been called to, but for you to live and fulfill it, you need protection from the one who sees and knows all the obstacles in your way, this protection is only embedded in Kingdom promotion. You can choose to protect your interest first as against Matthew 6:33 and suffer the consequences, or you can choose to promote the Kingdom in accordance with Matthew 6:33 and Exodus 23:25-26 and enjoy immeasurable blessings. The ball is in your court, but I entreat you to choose the latter. Bless you.

I will be here for a very longtime promoting the Kingdom.

Have a testimonial day.
Double Portion.

Delivered by the Holy Spirit through His humbled servants.®

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