Seventh Deleted Dip Dyed Chapter

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Seventh deleted dip dyed chapter

Holly's POV

I walked in my room and lay down. I can't believe what happened.

Paige in a cemetery? That's just crazy. I find it hard to believe. I know the lads and El- except for Liam- think Paige is crazy. It might be the fact that I'm good at reading body language, or the fact that it was just plain obvious.

The way Louis rolled his eyes without even realizing he did when Paige said she saw her mother.

How El looked at Paige as if she were mental.

The way Zayn sighed with annoyance and desperation.

The way Harry tried to make sure he heard Paige right.

How Ed sadly shook his head.

The annoyed and sad look on Niall's face.

But then we had Liam. He visually tensed, tightening his grip around Paige as a reflect. He might not had believed her 100%, because let's be real- Paige's mom is dead. But he tried to believe her, or find alternative answers.

I sigh and snuggle deeper in the covers. I'm not sure whether I believe her or not. I know Paige wasn't lying. I know because she is currently crying her eyes out and shaking with fear. It has got to be hard. Knowing your mom is dead but yet seeing - or think you saw her- in the middle of the night in a cemetery. Weather your mind was playing tricks on you or not.

I would probably never sleep a wink again.

I was startled out of my thoughts when I felt a dip on my bed. I turn around to face the Irish snowflake that gives me butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey Lollipop" He smiles at me. Niall calls me Lollipop because Holly and Lolli rime. He caressed my face and I blushed. I might have a tiny little crush on him.

"Hey Nialler" I whispered.

"How you feeling?" He asked me concerned. He's like this. Always asking if I feel okay, how I'm doing, almost never leaving me alone.

"I'm tiered" I told him honestly. Battling cancer is seriously exhausting. Not that I'm complaining, I'm grateful I'm alive. But I am complaining. I hate having cancer. It's simply not fair. I would ask ‘why me?’ but then again, why not me?

“It’s okay baby, I got you” He said getting under the covers with me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to his chest.

“Holly?” He suddenly asked. My ear was pressed against his chest, his heart beat entertaining me. So, I could hear it going faster and faster as if he were nervous. I lifted my head up to look at his face, and saw him biting his lip. I’ve picked up on little things he does. Like, he bites his lips and fumbles with his hands when he’s nervous. He hugs anything or anyone at his reach if he’s scared. When he’s mad or pissed off he makes this face trying to hide the fact that he’s mad. When he’s sad he tries to smile a lot and laugh a lot, but not the typical laugh at everything Niall- when he’s sad the smiles and laughs are fake.

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