Blue-Haired Stranger

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It was nothing short of a blizzard, your ability to see out of the small plane window almost impossible.  Multiple times, you checked to make sure that you hadn't put the blind down by some sort of strange accident, groaning inwardly when you realized that that was not the cause for the white out.  Currently, you'd been sitting on your plane for about a half an hour, the crew not even having to state that you weren't going anywhere.  That was pretty obvious at this point.

You just desperately wanted to be home, having spent your entire weekend on the East Coast for work, you just wanted to be in your own bed.  LA was a long flight, and it looks like it was just going to get longer.  This snow storm was supposed to miss the area by a landslide, but at the last moment, surprised everyone and blew over your location.  Great luck for you, right?

The airport had begun filling with people as planes were canceled and no one had anywhere to go.  Your plane had showed up before it had gotten bad and you were ushered into the tiny capsule with promises of take of as soon as possible.  That was now... Well, now about an hour ago.  Time had a nasty way of going quickly when you wanted to be home sooner rather than later.

Leaning your head back on the head rest of your seat, you sighed for what felt like the 50th time as you crunched your eyes closed.  The gentle whir of the air system filled the cabin sprinkled with phone alerts of people getting angrier at the weather by the moment.  Opening your eyes, they traveled to the man sitting next to you who seemed unaware that there was an issue at all.  He seemed relaxed, his headphones in, his eyes behind his glasses closed.  You were envious.

He must have felt your eyes on him and his own eyes opened, a jolt of embarrassment coming over you as you retracted your eyes from his.  Out of your periphery, you saw one of his headphones come out.

"Sorry, did you need to get out?"  He asked, his voice deeper than you anticipated.  Looking back over cautiously, you looked back to the brown eyes hidden behind his frames, his cheek gently outlined with a tuft of bright blue hair.

"O-Oh, no, I'm sorry."  You chuckled lightly.  "I was just jealous of how calm you seemed.  I feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Trust me, this is all an illusion."  Waving a hand in front of his face, he smiled.  His smile was warm and welcoming, as though he was a friend who you hadn't seen in a long while.  You found yourself smiling back.

"It's a pretty good illusion."  You agreed, expecting the conversation to end there.

"You on your way back home, too?"

"Hopefully, one of these days."  Feeling your eyes roll, you looked back outside.  "I've spent the entire weekend out here for work, I'd like to get back home to my bed."

"I've been out here visiting friends all weekend, but I can't wait to get home either.  I'm sure my pup has torn apart half the house and peed on the other half."

"You have a dog?"

"I have the best pup who ever pupped!"  He said with a sense of pride.  A man who was attractive and liked animals...  "Her name is Chica, I adopted her a few months back."

"That's a cute name."  You bit your lip slightly to avoid giggling yet again, trying your hardest not to make things awkward.  The blue-haired stranger showed you his phone, a picture of him lifting a fluffy golden retriever to his chest on the lit-up screen.

"That's Chica.  Oh, and that guy, he's Mark, by the way."  He chuckled, realizing he hadn't introduced himself yet.

"(Y/N)," you said back, once again looking to his eyes.  They were a beautiful shade of brown, light with dark flecks of color.  "Nice to meet you, guy-in-the-picture, Mark."

Blue-Haired Stranger {MarkiplierXReader}Where stories live. Discover now