Lesson 1. Encounters

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Hi guys! :)

So.. here's the very first chapter of my work "The Hummingbird"

The story starts after 2 years from the Prelude. :D

Hope you guys enjoy reading my imaginary works, it means a lot to me. Very. :)

And yes I'm sorry for only posting it now. :(

Oh well.



December 21, 2 years after:

Inside the private plane, 8pm

~ Erela ~

It's been a long flight. Having to go back to the UK is tiring. Sigh. But... I have to admit to myself, I kind of missed seeing this Old-and-Antique country. Simple, I missed the UK. Somehow, it's pretty nostalgic to come back after a year. Last time I checked, I went to the UK for the first time back when Uncle Alistaire told me that I needed to come to this beautiful state for a job. 

Simply stated, a job to work with a few song with the well-known British singer-songwriter, Ed Sheeran. I remember like it was yesterday's dream.


"Melody, we're going to the UK next week. There's a big surprise waiting for you there."

Uncle Alistaire laughed jokingly as he patted my head.

I sighed in response.

"You know that I'm not the biggest fan of surprises, Uncle."

He laughed again.

"I'm glad that you're looking forward to it as I am Melody. He is so going to like you!"

A random thought then popped up inside my head.

'He? A guy?'

Shaking that rather nonchalant thought, I sighed as I packed up my guitar and notebook.

"Whatever you say, Uncle."

Arriving at the so-called Atlantic Records, I couldn't believe the expression on my face as I saw the guy who I was about to work with. Did I mention he's one of the most iconic and well-respected songwriters in Britain?

Seeing Ed for the first time made me.. how shall I say it? Starstruck I guess? Yes starstruck was written all over my face the whole time as I flashed a smile at him when he reached out his hand to mine just to introduce himself.

"You must be Erela. It's an honor to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Al little rookie."

I almost blushed at his sentence. Good thing, I'm good at hiding facial expressions.

"No, no. The pleasure is all mine Mr. Sheeran. Uncle has told me a lot about you as well. It's s cool to be working with you face to face."

Ed just laughed faintly as he stared at me with happy eyes.

"You're a cool girl yourself Erela. By the way, call me Ed. We're friends already. Stop being so formal with me. Are you cool with that?"

I nodded shyly.

"Good. I'll be in your care on the upcoming months Erela."

As he smiled, I couldn't hesitate to smile back at him.

Then for the last 3 passing yet, fun months were mostly spent with me and Ed at songwriting everyday. Since the both of us can play the guitar, it became super fun to write songs with him. Ed has this down-to-earth and funnyman personality that makes you draw to him not even realizing or just taking notice of his international stardom. He was like the big brother that I never had and I just wished I had.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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