Confession / Asleep

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The train started up again.
These people don't seem interested in anything that's happening. The train started and everyone and everything was jerked back and we started moving. No one even moved after that.
I was getting more confused. It was like they weren't even real. I forced myslef to look ahead.
He spoke.
"What's your story Angel?"
"You okay?"
"Yes just wondering how to put this in words. Well I'll start like this.
My mother is very kind and sweet. She puts everyone else before herself." I laughed "my father on the other hand is a drunk. He's a selfish liar too. You'll never see him without a beer. And because of him is the reason why I have no friends. Everyone thinks I'll be like him. Stubborn, b****y , idiotic,...whatever. My mother wanted me to go live with her friend. So I'm here headed to this place to a strange woman. I'm just so..."
"I know....but I don't think your like that. You seem sweet, and nice. The exact opposite of what everyone else seed you as"
"Thank you.."
I felt better and the sadness floating around somewhat disappeared. Both of us lived someone of similar and hard lives.
"I'm sorry aiden"
"No don't worry baby girl. You didn't do anything wrong"
I got butterfly ' s again.
We stared at eachother. It was like getting to know each others faces.

"You know Angel...we haven't been together as friends long. But I really like you"
"I like you friends i guess"
He saw how uneasy I was. It's was like he knew all of my emotions. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it.
"No Angel..."
" know your slow"
"Hey!!" I smacked him across the shoulder.
"Ow...ouch!! Stop that!"
"I am not slow!"
"Whatever Angel"
We stared at eachother and burst into laughter.

We had talked nearly an hour and we found out we had alot in common. And I still tried to keep myself from staring at him. He was still hot and me being me, I'm still ugly.


"I don't mean to be rude but man I'm really tired" I put my elbow against the seat in front of me and put my head on it.
"It's ok I'm really tired too. But are you seriously thinking on sleeping in that position?"
"Well yeah I really don't wanna move and it's what I've got"
"Well, cutie pie why don't you rest your head on my shoulder. Don't worry I don't bite"
I looked at him wondering If he was being serious. I've been tricked before, I don't want it happening again.
He patted his shoulder.
"Are you being serious?"
"Yes, Angel I won't hurt you. I know you need the rest so go ahead."
"But what if you have to get up and pee or something. Or your in an uncomfortable position. I don't want you worrying on if I'm gonna sleep well, you need sleep too."
He got up and I laughed.
He came back a few minutes later, sat in the seat and got comfortable.
"Ok i used the bathroom, I'm situated now rest your head on my shoulder and sleep"
"Fine" it's not like I could have resisted.
I layed my head on his shoulder lightly. I looked up at him and I saw that he was already looking at me.
"Sleep well he said"
I looked ahead. I soon closed my eyes, but how could I sleep? I kept my eyes closed and slumber soon fell over me.


I woke up a couple hours later. I got out my phone and checked the time. 10:58 pm. I then felt a sudden weight on my head. Oh no. He had fallen asleep and has rested his head on my own. How is that comfortable? I gently looked up and he was sound asleep. I moved my head back where it was and he moved. I froze. I didn't want him waking up. If he did he might not fall back asleep, then I'd really feel bad. I wasn't even tired anymore so I had no choice but to stay still and let him sleep.
I closed my eyes, I intended on just resting my eyes, but slumber had taken over.

I woke up and I no longer felt the weight on my own head. I looked up and no one was there. I looked around the whole car and saw no one was there either. I looked at the end of the car and saw no door but continuous cars. I got up and went forward towards the front of the train and didn't even see the door to approach the conductor. Or to even get out. I turned around and walked down the Isle. I didn't see the door to the dinning car but I did see the car and everything in it. I jumped and looked down. The train had stopped moving. I looked around and yet no one was there. Not even the waitress. I walked to the very end of that car and hopped to the next one. No one. I started to run but the cars kept going on and on. I stopped. I was getting nowhere. Then i saw it, There was the engine. But on the back of the train. I tuned around and ran back to my seat. I saw that the door to get off the train was now open. I took one step towards the door...

"Angel get up"
"Because the train stopped. A man came and said that there was troubles and we needed to go to a different car."
I winced...I was just waking up from the dream I just had.
"So where's everyone else?" I looked at him.
He smiled gently and said " they've been spread out through the train. We're going to the furthest one back. No one's there and we can relax and you can stop worrying"
I laughed "Okay let's go"
I grabbed my stuff and he helped. We opened all the doors (Finally realizing how) and went to the very last car available.
"There all still tired?"
"Oh no but you must be you can go rest if you like"
"I wouldn't want to leave you though"
"Aiden don't worry just lay down and sleep I'll wake you when they start the train again"
"Ok Angel"
He layed on the end seat in the back and I sat in the seat beside him. As much as I wanted to stay here with him, I wanted to check out why we had stopped..again.


I waited till he was asleep. I didnt take very long i knew he was tired. I slowly got up and opened doors and gently closed them and hopped continuously till I was near the front.

A man had gotten on the train. We made eye contact and I smiled and went past him. Before I was at the door to see what happened the man called out to me.

"Yes sir?"
"Im sorry to bug you but would you happen to know anyone on this train by the name of Aiden"
"Maybe? Who are you?"
"Oh I'm his older brother Averie"

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