C H A P T E R 1 1_

627 33 1

(song: "I'm Goblin" by Hans Zimmer and The Magnificent Six)



I don't know what it is at first that wakes me... It sounds eerie like someone screaming in my dreams... But then my eyes flash open and my heart rate quickens. Red lights blare from the bulb near my ceiling as alarms go off from the building.

I flail and fall out of the bed. "Damn it!" I exclaim as I jerk upright to a standing position and I run to the door, checking the hallway for any persons. Only seeing the red lights, I run to the common room as fast as my legs can carry me.

The first person I see is Barton, but I can hear others exclaiming in the distance. He looks up when I run in and he throws me a gun as he loads his own. "Who said nights were for sleep?" he huffs.

I let out a low growl before grumbling curses upon who ever set these alarms off.

A distant thundering sound gets my attention outside as people scramble around inside. It's utter chaos and everyone is worried.

I can't tell if the outer doors have been opened to let people go out yet because it's too dark.

Clint is gone now to my left. And I can't find any familiar faces that stand there for very long. My heart is pounding and my head is swimming with confusion and fright.

 My heart is pounding and my head is swimming with confusion and fright

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Steve is usually the one to make everything okay. He's the captain. But I can't see him anywhere.

Panic is all around us as the lights flash and I try to hear what people are saying. But they—

Just then my arm is grabbed and I gasp. But he's there to my right, Steve. He has his shield and a rifle and looks at me with worry.

"Esther what—"

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"Esther what—"

Just then he is cut off by something landing on our roof hard. Everyone in the room silences with terror as they gather weapons and grenades, Romanoff passing them out. But they look up now... fear in their eyes.

 fear in their eyes

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