Rant #1

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Okay I'm about to explode!
@AustinMahoneGoDie fuck the hell right off! Do you not understand the concept of shutting the fuck up and keeping hurtful words to yourself!? Honestly! You're the reason so many people hurt themselves and take their own lives! Austin has a wonderful group of friends and a family who loves him and many many Mahomies who are by his side! He may be bisexual but that doesn't make him any different, actually I'm glad Austin's different because that just shows he's unique, amazing, caring and a sweetheart! He's taking what you're saying to his head and heart and it's breaking all of those who care about him! Like telling him to go die where his grandma and dad died, what the hell is up with that?! HIS FUCKING FAMILY LOVES HIM AND HIS FRIENDS DO TOO ESPECIALLY HIS BOYFRIEND ZYLER! IF YOU WANNA TALK SHIT ABOUT AUSTIN, I SUGGEST YOU FUCK THE HELL OFF THIS WEBSITE! AUSTIN IS HIMSELF AND EVERYONE LOVES HIM FOR HIM! so fuck off and get a life before you start hurting my brother (best friend) and son/inspiration to many!


Hacked by your boy ACWhere stories live. Discover now